How have different cultures expressed themselves over time?
What are the main themes of “cultural dance” is there from around the world?
Aboriginal Dance Aboriginal dance ceremonies were often called corroborees. The dances tell stories about the community, of the land, of relationships, of the culture (that means way of life) of the people. There are different dances for different communities and they tell different stories. You need to get permission if you want to dance a dance that doesn’t belong to your cultural group. Many dances have been passed on century after century, generation after generation, and they are just as important to Indigenous people today as they were when they were first performed.
Aboriginal Dance com/watch?v=cQG ApoHMZYI
The Haka The War Haka (peruperu) was originally performed by warriors before a battle, proclaiming their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition. The Haka can be performed performed by men, women or children for various reasons: For amusement As a hearty welcome to distinguished guests, or to acknowledge great achievements or occasions In formal or official welcoming ceremonies for distinguished visitors or foreign dignitaries, serving to impart a sense of the importance of the occasion.
The Haka com/watch?v=kd0k DxP04eI&feature=fv sthttp:// com/watch?v=kd0k DxP04eI&feature=fv st
Belly Dancing Belly dancing was originally from Ancient Babylon in southern Iraq. The drum beats people hear today are the same beats that the Arab tribal men used. Belly dancing was passed on through generation to generation. Arab tribes in Arabia used to gather women in private gatherings or special occasions and perform the belly-dancing, while men from the tribe perform on the drum. Men used to have large feasts of food and wine and watch women while they were dancing.
Belly Dancing com/watch?v=vJsZ R3w776Ehttp:// com/watch?v=vJsZ R3w776E
Indian Bollywood Traditional Indian dance that has helped create Hindi musical films known as Bollywood.
Bollywood inspired dance com/watch?v=vewp 4vJojachttp:// com/watch?v=vewp 4vJojac
African Tribal Dance com/watch?v=R-DK- zVa4pMhttp:// com/watch?v=R-DK- zVa4pM
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” Scott Adams American Cartoonist & Hypnotist
"Creativity takes courage." Henri Matisse French Painter & Sculptor
What to do As a group create your own cultural dance inspired by one of the clips you have seen It must be 2 x counts of 8 You must show: 2 x level changes 1 x formation change 1 x direction change 2 x change in the speed of your movements You must move to a beat using the drum or music. Use rhythm and timing.