UDL-Café A Teaching to Diversity Project with thanks to SD68 and NDTA Universal Design for Learning Photos by Karina and Shelley
Welcome to our café everyone! Thank you to all who took part in this learning journey.
Thanks to Maureen, Jan, and Kerry for guiding this exploration of learning. Thanks to Fairview School for providing space for this event and the sessions. Thanks to Donna Klockars and Shelley Belleznay for providing the food and refreshments.
Thanks to Bob Esliger (SD68), Charlie Naylor (BCTF), and Debra Hagen (now VIU) for being behind the project from its inception.
We have all been on a supportive learning journey: supported by colleagues, students, the technicians, our staff, our school support team, our literacy team, the district staff, and the NDTA.
If you blink, Maureen, you will miss out on the action!
Thanks for coming everyone! We hope you enjoyed this as much as we did!