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Presentation transcript:


Focus on Literacy, K-3  Focus on 3 rd grade literacy proficiency and the accountability model that assures all at-risk students will be proficient at the end of grade 3 or significant consequences will be assessed.

Career/College Readiness by the End of 11 th grade.  A continuing focus on the preparation of 11th grade at-risk students to be career and college ready. As with the consequences imposed against districts whose students are not reading-proficient, districts should focus on this prior to 11 th grade.

MTSS Legislative Language Effective October 1, 2015  Implements effective instruction for all learners,  Intervenes early,  Provides a multi-tiered mode of instruction and intervention that provides the following:

MTSS Legislative Language Effective October 1, 2015  A core curriculum and classroom interventions available to all pupils that meet the needs of most pupils,  Targeted group interventions,  Intense individual interventions,  Monitors pupil progress to inform instruction,  Uses data to make instructional decisions,

MTSS Legislative Language Effective October 1, 2015  Uses assessments, including universal screening, diagnostics, and progress monitoring,  Engages families and the community,  Implements evidence-based, scientifically validated, instruction and intervention,  Implements instruction and intervention practices with fidelity,  Uses a collaborative problem-solving model.

Universal Screening  A universal screener is an assessment tool that is used as the first step in determining whether students are on track for meeting future outcomes/goals or at-risk for learning problems.  Universal screeners that are considered effective are quick and efficient to administer and score and also provide valid and reliable information.

Section 31a Report  Modifications were made to address language in the legislation: professional development, early literacy, anti-bullying programs, crisis intervention, and parental engagement.

MTSS Cross Office Team  A cross-office team will support and monitor implementation of MTSS and early literacy. Efforts will be coordinated with MDE’s early literacy initiative.  A reminder that Section 31a does not support expenses related to administrative activities.

Contact Information  Lee H. Craft  Section 31a Consultant    Shereen Tabrizi  Special Populations Manager   Section 31a Accountability  Alex Schwarz, OESRA Education Assessment Specialist 

Additional Slides for Later Review

Universal Screening  The information obtained from the assessments is predictive of future student performance.  Universal screeners are used to assess all students using the assessments designed for that particular grade level three times per year (at a minimum).  Teachers administer and score the universal screening assessments for the students in their classroom and/or grade level.

Universal Screening  A system is in place for annual training and practice in administration and scoring to establish fidelity among assessors and to establish inter-observer reliability of 90% and above on 10-15% of the student population.  Screening assessments are consistently used across the buildings in the district.

Universal Screening  Progress monitoring involves frequent assessment of students’ knowledge, skills and the impact of instruction/intervention on student performance.  The assessments allow data to be entered into a data monitoring system in order to receive visual displays of the data for more efficient and effective data analysis.

Universal Screening  Progress monitoring occurs at regular intervals, minimally twice per month for students with strategic needs, and once per week for students with intensive needs.  Data based decision making rules are established and used to make instructional adjustments.

Universal Screening  Procedures to determine grade level and out of grade level progress monitoring probes for students follow appropriate guidelines recommended by leaders in the field who have a considerable amount of research to support the recommendations.

Universal Screening  Progress monitoring assessments, procedures for administration, scoring procedures and procedures for ensuring accuracy of scores and scores entered into the data system are consistently used across the buildings within the district.

Data-Based Decision Making and Problem Solving  Teams at multiple levels have effective meeting structures in place.  Data are used that are:  Accurate, reliable and valid,  User friendly,  Displayed visually (graphic format),  Representative of multiple levels of the system.

Data-Based Decision Making and Problem Solving  Decision rules for determining student response to instruction and intervention are established based on “best practices”.  Consistently applies the steps of the problem- solving process at multiple levels of the system.  Utilize data to identify existing and potential barriers related to implementation efforts and identifies potential solutions.

Evidence-Based Core Curriculum and Continuum of Interventions  All students have access to evidence-based core curriculum in order to receive instruction in the areas of reading and behavior.  The research-base supporting behavior is based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the Institute for Education Science (IES) Practice Guide.

Evidence Based Core Curriculum and Continuum of Interventions  Implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) includes:  Define behavioral expectations,  Teach behavioral expectations,  Monitor student behavior relative to expectations  Acknowledge student behavior that meets the expectations,

Evidence Based Core Curriculum and Continuum of Interventions  Implementation of PBIS, continued  Correct student behavior consistently by viewing each behavioral error as a teachable moment,  Use data for decision-making.

Evidence Based Core Curriculum and Continuum of Interventions  In the area of reading, core curriculum and interventions are supported by the research- base from the findings of the National Reading Panel (NRP), the National Research Council, and the Institute for Education Science (IES) Practice Guide,

Focus on Fidelity of Implementation  There is alignment between program quality data and outcome data.  Critical concepts from the implementation research are consistently applied across practices, programs, team based functions and/or roles.

Focus on Fidelity of Implementation  Prior to implementing a particular practice, program or assessment that falls under the MTSS umbrella, consideration of the following variables is important:  Maintaining high levels of implementation quality,

Focus on Fidelity of Implementation  Establishing a timeframe for implementation that is realistic, doable and manageable given the available resources,  Adequate resources are allocated to support high quality implementation and ensure capacity is built to sustain implementation efforts.