SANTA ANNA IN TEXAS Santa Anna army moves further into Texas. They burn every town and settlement in their path. Santa Anna believes he is winning. The Alamo South Texas Coleto (Goliad)
SAM HOUSTON’S ARMY Sam Houston’s army leaves Gonzalez and heads east. The journey is slow due to rain, muddy roads, and cold weather. Houston’s army grows after volunteers from the United States arrive 1,400 soldiers-many untrained
SAM HOUSTON CONTINUES EAST Sam Houston heads further east. He knows the Mexican supplies would thin (get smaller and smaller) in east Texas. Hoped he would get more help from the United States.
RUNAWAY SCRAPE Texas families living between the Colorado and Brazos rivers were afraid of Santa Anna’s army. They took all they could and headed east.
RUNAWAY SCRAPE “Houses were standing open, the beds unmade, the breakfast things still on the tables. Buckets full of corn, smoke houses full of bacon, yards full of chickens that ran after us hoping for food, nests of eggs, cattle eating grass, hogs, fat and lazy in the mud, all abandoned.”
HOUSTON TRAINS HIS ARMY March 29, 1836 Reach the Brazos river at San Felipe de Austin Spent two weeks training his army at Groce’s Plantation. Soldiers were tired, wanted to leave.
SANTA ANNA ADVANCES Reaches the Brazos River Cannot defeat the Texans guarding the river crossing. Moves further down the river to cross. He is hunting Texas officials
SAM HOUSTON PREPARES FOR BATTLE Houston hears that Santa Anna is near Heads towards San Jacinto River Receives 2 cannons as gifts from Cincinnati, Ohio The Twin Sisters
ARRIVAL AT SAN JACINTO Sam Houston’s and Santa Anna’s armies arrive at San Jacinto and set up for battle. A small skirmish breaks and Mirabeau B. Lamar proves himself a leader. Becomes the leader of the Texas Calvary (Mounted horse soldiers)
HOUSTON’S ARMY Juan Seguin Tejanos Wore cards in hats so they would not be confused for Mexican troops. Only 171 men owned land in Texas Many were volunteers from the U.S.
HOUSTON’S ARMY “ We found the Texas force under Houston. A scene wild and picturesque presented itself. Around campfires stood as many groups of men: English, Irish, Scots, Mexicans, French, Germans Italians, Polish, Yankees, all unwashed, unshaven, long hair, beards and musctaches matted, cloths in tatters and plastered with mud. Yet, some were gentlemen, distinguished in science, in medicine…guns of every shape and size. ”
APRIL 21, 1836 Santa Anna has 850 troops General Cos comes with 540 more troops Cos’ men had marched all night, so they ate and rested. Santa Anna had lunch and also rested.
WAR COUNCIL Houston has a meeting with his men. Did they want to fight that day or wait until the next? No decision is made
ATTACK! Sam Houston decides at 3:30pm to assemble troops for an immediate attack. Moves across the prairie Mexican camp was quite “Remember the Alamo!” “Remember Goliad” Lasted 18 minutes
LOSSES Texas >10 killed 30 wounded Sam Houston Mexicans 630 killed 730 prisoners Santa Anna Santa Anna disappeared during the battle. He was hiding in the tall grass and found the next day. His own men ousted him.