A.D. Project Plan: Decision Making Group Member Names: Tell us about your candidate (be specific): What social group is your video geared to? What information do you need to know about this group?
A.D Project Plan: Problem Solving Make a plan in the space below. Discuss what tasks need to be completed, who will complete them, what resources will be used, etc. Also include a general timeline for the completion of this project. Your video is due at the end of the hour on Friday, November 30! TaskPersonResources
A.D. Project Plan: Communication Discuss how you will present your information in the space below. What will your commercial look like? What issue(s) will the commercial focus on?
A.D. Project Plan: Productivity List at least 10 search terms you will use to find information for your project. List at least 5 search terms you will use to find images for your project.
For information: Database 1 st choice: Database 2 nd choice: Website 1 st choice: Website 2 nd choice: For images: 1 st choice: Morguefile.comMorguefile.com 2 nd choice: CreativeCommons.orgCreativeCommons.org For music: 1 st choice: Vimeo.comVimeo.com 2 nd choice: CreativeCommons.orgCreativeCommons.org A.D. Project Plan: Resources