Lesson Five The British in Michigan UNIT THREE: THE HISTORY OF MICHIGAN
Reviewing the last lesson… About 500 years ago explorers from the continent of Europe were looking for trade routes to China. Explorers from the country of France began exploring in the Great Lakes region. The French and American Indians interacted in many ways. For example, they traded with each other, they sometimes married each other, and they learned from each other. Fur-trading between the French and the American Indians grew. The country of Britain became interested in the fur trade.
What will happen next? Competition over the fur trade is likely to lead to conflict between the French and the British.
The BIG Ideas Competition for the fur trade led to a war between France and Britain. France lost the war. As a result Britain took control of the Great Lakes region including Michigan. American Indians found it was much harder to deal with the British than the French. Serious conflicts began between the British and the American Indians. British colonies along the Atlantic Ocean fought and won a war for Independence. After that war, Michigan became part of the new country called the United States of America.
cause an action that makes something else happen Example: One cause of population growth in Michigan was the opening of the Erie Canal. Cause Event Effect
effect something that results from something else happening Example: One effect of the fur trade in Michigan was that American Indians and the French began to interact. Cause Event Effect
Cause and Effect Organizer Mary Pushed Robb off the swing. Mary wanted the swing. Mary was a bully. Rob had been on the swing too long. Mary will get into trouble. Rob will hit Mary. Rob will go tell a teacher.
Cause and Effect Organizer The French were making lots of money in the fur trade There was a scarcity of beaver furs in France. There were lots of beaver in Michigan. People wanted beaver hats in France. The British were jealous of the French The British wanted to take over the fur trade The British wanted to make money on the fur trade also.
Being able to identify causes and effects is an important skill in understanding history.
timeline a diagram that shows the order in which events happened Example: You can make a timeline of important events in your life
War breaks out between the French and the British over the fur trade. The French lose the war with Britain. Michigan comes under the control of the British. American Indians under the leadership of Chief Pontiac fight back against the British. They take over several British forts. The British get their forts back. Britain loses a war with its 13 colonies. The colonies become the United States of America. The area of Michigan becomes part of this new country called the United States of America.
What pattern do you see in these four events? Each of these events describes the French building a fort.
fort buildings and land protected by a tall wall and often lookout towers Example: The city of Detroit began as a fort along a river.
FORTS WERE BUILT AS PROTECTION AGAINST THE BRITISH WHO HAD BECOME VERY INTERESTED IN TAKING OVER THE FUR TRADE. What do you think caused the French to build so many forts in Michigan in this short time period of about 30 years.
The following website provides a virtual tour of Fort Michilimackinac:
Early Detroit 1747 Map of Detroit..
Early Detroit Illustration of Early Detroit..
WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? As France continued to make money on the fur trade, Britain continued to want to take over the fur trade. Eventually, a war broke out.
Cause and Effect Organizer War between France and Britain
War between France and Britain presented American Indians with several choices. For example, they could stay out of the war and not help either side. What other choices did they have? They could help either the French or the British. What choice they think most American Indians made: stay neutral, help the French, or help the British?
Most American Indians decided to side with the French, since they had traded with them for many years. Many were afraid that the British would take over more of their land if they won the war.
Predict who won the war, the French or the British? Give a reason for your prediction. France lost the war.
France losing the war with Britain
How do you think the British felt about American Indians who sided with the French? After Britain won the war conflict increased between the British and American Indians for the following reasons: The British were angry that many American Indians had sided with the French. The French had, in most cases, shown respect for Native Americans. They learned their languages, often married American Indian women, and were more interested in trade than they were in taking over Native American land. The British were different. They showed little respect for American Indians and were very interested in taking over their lands. American Indians had become dependent on European goods. They needed and wanted these goods. Britain raised the prices on these goods, so it took more furs to trade for an item. The French had often given American Indians gifts, but the British refused to do this.
What do you think will happen as a result of these factors? These factors lead to a major conflict between American Indians and the British. Share the following information regarding this conflict: Chief Pontiac, an Odawa (Ottawa) leader created an alliance of many tribes. Under his leadership, American Indians began to attack British forts. They captured Fort St. Joseph and Fort Michilimackinac. Chief Pontiac then surrounded the fort at Detroit for five months, trying to force the British out, but was unable to do so. Eventually the British regained control of the forts.
The thirteen British colonies were owned and controlled by Britain. The people living in these colonies decided they wanted to be independent. In other words, they wanted to be their own country. Britain controlled Michigan for less than thirty years before another big change took place.
Eventually they won the war and became a brand new country called the United States of America. The former 13 colonies became the first 13 states. This new country took control of most of the land that the British had controlled in North America, including Michigan. On July 4, 1776 these colonies declared their independence and fought a war against Britain for their freedom.
Britain’s Colonies on the Atlantic Coast
A Place Called Home by Janie Lynn Panagopulos
Chronology SO far… American Indians The French The British The Americans
American Indians The first people to live on the land which became the United States Example: American Indians are also known as Native Americans.
Timeline 1686 The French built at what is now. They hoped the fort would help block the British from traveling to the Straits of Mackinac where the main fur-trading center was located The French built another in what is now The French landed along what is now the and built a log fort called. This became the City of The French built at the Straits of Mackinaw near what is now.
alliance when groups of people come together to help each other when there are problems Example: The People of the Three Fires formed an alliance.
France a country on the continent of Europe Example: Explorers from France came to the Great Lakes region
beaver a small animal whose fur was popular in Europe for hats Example: The French traded American Indians for beaver furs.
Britain a country on the continent of Europe Example: British people from Britain became interested in the fur trade.