2400 BC The first calculator invented. Called an: abacus
776 BC The use of pigeons that can send a message is recorded.
1567 First pencil invented by Conrad Gesner
1765 Erasers are put on pencils by the Eberhard Company
1803 Steel ink pen is said to have been developed in Birmingham, England.
1822 First mechanical computer invented by Charles Babbage.
1825 The element: aluminum :is discovered by Hans Christian Oerosted.
1834 Braille is invented by Louis Braille.
1835 The Morse Code is invented by Samuel F.B. Morse.
1837 First practical telegraph invented by Samuel F.B. Morse.
1859 Lead acid rechargeable battery invented by Gaston Plante.
1876 Telephone invented and demonstrated by Alexander Graham Bell.
188O Ball point pen patented by Alonzo T. Cross
1883 Long distance telephone service started between Chicago and New York.
1893 Wireless communication invented by Nikola Tesla.
1903 Powered airplane invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright.
1907 Color photography invented August and Louis Lumiere.
1919 James Smathers develops the first electric typewriter.
1923 Television invented by Philo Farnsworth.
1959 IBM(International Business Machines) create desk-sized computers for businesses and scientists.