Computational Study of Substitution Effects in Acetylenic Diels-Alder Reactions Emily Sotelo Mentor Dr. Adam Moser
Overview Background Research Motivation Methods: Quantum Chemistry Calculations Results Implications for future work
Discovered by chemists Otto Diels and Kurt Alder in 1928-recognized with a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1950 The Diels-Alder Reaction
Importance of the Diels-Alder Reaction 2. High Stereochemical Control 1. Ring Formation
Reaction Components Energetically favorable due to formation of new σ bonds Diene only reacts in s-cis conformation Electron withdrawing groups activate the dienophile Concerted mechanism Kinetic control can dominate
Reaction of Interest
Literature Review The Diels-Alder Reaction of Acetylene is slower than that of Ethylene Higher activation energy due to distortion energy Only performed in lab using catalysts & radicals Adding activating groups to both ends of the triple bond increases the reactivity
My Research Seems to be this gap in the literature discussing the very basic components of this very important reaction of acetylene and butadiene We have decided to study this computationally because you can examine lot reaction properties quickly
Quantum Chemistry Method Describes what approximation will be used to solve the equation Basis Set Describes what math is available to solve this equation Branch of computational chemistry which uses mathematical approximations to solve the Schrödinger equation
Calculations ΔH, ΔG, Δ‡H, and Δ‡G HOMO-LUMO Energies
Single Substitution EWG
Single Substitution EDG
Double Substitution
Dihedral Scan
Summary Most effective substituent to lower activation barrier Lowers LUMO energy This barrier is lowered further by substituting both ends of the triple bond Steric effects seem to be the dominating force when locking the conformation of the dienophile
Next Steps Continue to work with more substituents to see if these trends continue Substitute both reactants to gain a better understanding of not only thermodynamics/kinetics but stereochemistry Continue to work with the dihedral scanning Use higher, more accurate levels of theory to See if trends continue Closer to experimental data
Acknowledgments Dr. Adam Moser Dr. Sean Mulcahy Science Hall faculty Loras College Peers, Friends and Family
References Cramer, C.J. (2002). Essentials of Computational Chemistry. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Dai, M, Sarlah, D, Yu, M. Danishefsky, S, Jones, G, Houk, KN Highly Selective Dielss-Alder Reactions of Directly Connected Enyne Dieneophiles. J Am Chem Soc 129, Froese, RDJ, Coxon, JM, West, SC, Morokuma, K Theoreical Studies of DA reaction of Acetylenic Compounds. J. Org. Chem 63, Nicolaou KC, Snyder SA, Montagnon T, Vassilikogiannakis G (2002). The Diels-Alder Reaction in total synthesis. Angew Chem Int Ed 41: Rahm, A., Rheingold, A.L, Wulff, WD Asymmetric Diels-Alder Reactions with Chiral Acetylenic Carbene Complexes as Dienophiles. Tetrahedrom 56, Smith, J. (2011). Organic Chemistry 3 rd Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Δ‡G Thermodynamic vs. Kinetic Control
Reaction Profile & T-State Calculations
Quantum Chemistry Method: Hartree Fock Treats each electron separately Assumes frozen nucleus Basis Set: 6-31G(d) Equations which describe the shape of the orbital Slater and Gaussian The basis set is a split valance meaning there are two types of electrons, core and valence electrons with the valence electrons participating in the reaction behavior of molecule. Split valence basis sets uses this knowledge to treat these two types of electrons differently.
Changing Levels of Theory