By: Mantas Urniezius 11-12-10 8-2 The Revolution By: Mantas Urniezius 11-12-10 8-2
Navigation Acts #1 Directed the flow of goods between England and colonies. They were all angry and some even ignored it.
Proclamation of 1763 #2 The king forbid the colonist to go past the Appalachian Mountains. Some colonists didn’t care and still moved past.
Stamp Act #3 A tax stamp on all printed goods. These printed materials were legal documents, magazines, newspapers and many other types of paper used throughout the colonies.
Sam Adams and other colonist protesting against the stamp act. Son’s of Liberty #4 Sam Adams and other colonist protesting against the stamp act.
Declaratory Act #5 The right to tax and make decisions for the British in all cases.
Quartering Act #6 Colonist were forced to house soldiers in their homes. The also colonist boycotted the British goods.
Townshend Acts #7 Taxes on glass, tea, paper and lead. They boycotted again and the daughters of liberty was formed. Lead
Boston Massacre #8 Tensions grew and the fight broke out between the red coats and the colonist.
Boston Tea Party #9 Colonist threw 342 crates of tea in the Boston Harbor.
Coercive Acts #10 The Coercive Acts are laws that were passed regarding the colonies in North America. They were passed by Britain, in 1774. They were big in the foundation of the American Revolution The colonist called it (intolerable) acts.