Total Quality Management Bus 432 Ali albdour (Ph.D) Text Book: Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality, by Goatish, D. and Davis, S., Published by Prentice Hall, 6th edition. (2010).
Leadership and change Chapter 2: page 177
Key Elements of Total Quality 1- Strategically based 2-Customer focus 3- Obsession with quality 4-Scientific approach 5- Long-term commitment 6-Teamwork 7-Continual process improvement 8- Education and training 9- freedom through control 10-Unity of purpose 11- Employee involvement and empowerment 3
Leadership and change Characteristic of leadership High levels of productivity Positive, can-do attitudes Commitment to accomplishing organizational goals Effective, efficient use of resources High level of quality Mutually supportive teamwork approach to getting work done 4
Leadership and change Leadership is the ability to inspire people to make a total, willing, and voluntary commitment to accomplishing or exceeding organisational goals 5
Principles of leadership for quality Leadership for quality is leadership from the perspective of total quality 1-Customer focus 2- Obsession with quality 3- recognizing the structure of work 4- looking for faults in systems 5-Teamwork 6- continuing education and training 7- freedom through control 8-Unity of purpose 6
Leadership for quality Deming chain reaction for each improvement in work methods and process Improved quality Decreased cost Improved prices Increased market share Longevity in business More job Improved return on investment 7
Leadership. Motivation, and inspiration One of the characteristics shared by effective leaders is the ability to inspire and motivate others to make a commitment. The key to motivating people lies in the ability to relate their personal needs to the organizations goals. The key to inspiring people lies in the ability to relate what they believe to the organisational. Implicit in both cases is the leaders need to know and understand workers. Including both their individual needs and their personal beliefs 8
Maslow's hierarchy of needs 9
Leadership. Motivation, and inspiration Leaders need to understand how to apply Maslow's model if they hope to use it to motivate and inspire works. Principles to required for applying this model are as follow: Needs must be satisfied in order from the bottom up People focus most intently on their lowest unmet need After a need has been satisfied, it no longer works as motivating factor 10
Leadership styles 1- Autocratic leadership 2-Democratic leadership 3- Participative leadership 4-Goal-oriented leadership 5-Situational leadership See pages The appropriated leadership style in a total quality setting is “participative leadership” 11
Leadership characteristics Leadership characteristics that build and maintain followership Leader build and maintain followership by earning the respect of those they lead. characteristics of leaders that build the respect: 1- sense of purpose. 2- self- discipline. 3- Honesty 4- credibility 5- common sense 6- stamina 7- commitment 8- steadfastness See pages
Pitfalls that can undermine followership trying to be a buddy having an intimate relationship with an employee trying to keep things same when supervising former peers paradigms of human interaction Win\win Win\lose Lose\lose Win
Trust building and leadership trust is a necessary ingredient for success in the intensely competitive modern workplace. Building trust requires leadership on the part of mangers. Trust-building strategies include the following: 1)Taking the blame and sharing the credit 2)Pitching in and helping 3)Being consistent 4)Being equitable