what is it? nervous system composition: 2 cell types neurons glia
parts of neuron - function - structure
neural communication electrical within, chemical between
vesicles, exocytosis, & binding
epinephrine (E) & norepinephrine (NE) neurotransmitters glutamate (+) vs GABA (-) acetylcholine (Ach) dopamine (DA) serotonin (5-HT) about receptor subtypes…
inactivating NTs reuptake enzymatic breakdown diffusion
effects after binding IONOTROPIC METABOTROPIC - cascade of events requiring energy - turn on/off genes - alters structure of the cell - fast
nervous system central nervous system peripheral nervous system brain spinal cord somatic NS autonomicNS sensory nerves motor nerves sympathetic NS parasympathetic NS
cortex brain stem subcortical structures brain anatomy
forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain during neurodevelopment when fully developed
subdivisions of brain
ventricles central canalventricles
cerebrospinal fluid choroid plexus
hindbrain medulla RAS & raphe vital functions reflexes
hindbrain pons RAS & raphe REM & paralysis decussation locus coeruleus
hindbrain cerebellum coordination Integrates intention for movement w/ balance, motor, senses learning
hindbrain & midbrain
midbrain tegmentum
forebrain’s diencephalon
forebrain’s telencephalon limbic system Amygdala Hippocampus Cingulate gyrus Hypothalamus?
forebrain’s telencephalon basal ganglia
cortical lobes
executive functions planning & organizing working memory (internally-guided) sequencing set-shifting vs perseveration abstract thinking inhibition maturation of PFC cells