Attitudes Belief Emotional Action
Factors That Form Attitudes Parents (reward, punishment, modeling) Peers Information (media, school, people)
Critical Period (12 to 20)
Changing Attitudes The Speaker (credibility, prestige, expertise, power, physical attractiveness) The Message (use of fear) The Audience (one – sided versus two – sided message)
Social Facilitation Easy Tasks Difficult Tasks
Altruism Diffusion of Responsibility Clarity of Situation Presence of Friends
Definition of Conformity
Sherif – Autokinetic Phenomenon
Reasons for Conforming Behavior Risk of Disapproval Lack of Perceived Alternatives Fear of Disruption Absence of Communication Sense of Powerlessness
Factors That Produce Interpersonal Attraction Similarity Complementarity Competence Prestige Physical Attractiveness
Sex Role Theories Freud (Oedipus and Electra Complexes) Learning (reinforcement, punishment, and modeling) Cognitive – Developomental Theory (gender constancy) Gender Schema Theory
Androgyny More Flexible Higher Self - Esteem