METR 415/715 Wednesday February
Imaginary part of index of refraction When n i is non-zero, absorption of an EM wave occurs as it passes through a medium. n i is sometimes referred to as the absorption index n i depends on the wavelength Figure 4.1 (page 77) shows values of n i for water and ice – small for visible and higher for UV and IR
Intensity as a function of travel through a medium Eq 4.2, p.77 Β a = absorption coefficient
Intensity as a function of travel through a medium Eq 4.3, p.77
Transmittance t The fraction of radiation intensity that survives the trip over the distance x. The fraction that was NOT transmitted must have been absorbed and thereofre converted to another form of energy such as heat
Beer’s Law The intensity of a beam of monochromatic radiation falls off exponentially as it traverses a uniform medium The rate at which it falls off is proportional to β a
Penetration Depth Defined as the value of x for which t(x) = e -1 or approximately 37% Check Figure 4.2 on page 79 for water and ice How does that influence color of pools water? Light penetration into the ocean?