Welcome! 7th Annual TRAVEL DATA USERS FORUM 7th Annual TRAVEL DATA USERS FORUM Foster a dialogue among all data providers and users Identify sources of representative and applicable local and national surveys Serve as a venue to identify and discuss emerging issues Encourage interaction within the passenger-travel-data community Objectives Mission The Forum was designed to provide a venue for the presentation and discussion of important or emerging issues regarding passenger travel data
Past User Forums NHTS, CTPP 2000, FactFinder, LEHD NHTS and the need for behavioral data Employment Data. Public and Private sources Energy. How will the rising cost of energy affect travel behavior? VMT: A Focus on Vehicle Miles Traveled
Session Travel Data Users Forum Focus on Bike and Pedestrian Data Focus on Bike and Pedestrian Data Ed Christopher, Federal Highway Administration, presiding Sponsored by: Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ30) National Transportation Data Requirements and Programs Committee (ABJ10) Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ20) Bicycle Transportation (ANF20) Passenger Travel Data Subcommittee (ABJ10[2])
Focus on Bike and Pedestrian Data Overview of Issues and Challenges with Pedestrian and Bicyclist Data Shawn Turner, Texas Transportation InstitutePanelists Census Data Offerings – Ed Christopher, FHWA Resource Center National Household Travel Survey – Heather Contrino, FHWA Policy MPO Data Program – Cathy Buckley, Boston MPO National Data Initiatives – Michael Jones, ALTA Planning FHWA Data Efforts – Gabe Rousseau, FHWA Environment International Counting Practices – Jean-Francois Rheault, Eco-counter Open Discussion (ALL)
Focus on Bike and Pedestrian Data