Helping others By: Calvin Arteaga
Slide #2 My section is about how to get help when you feel alone and. Mabye even isolated Who and to go to when u need help and who to talk to when you feel lonely.Also telling the harm that it is causing you inside and out.
Slide #3 Overall its about how to get help for yourself when you feel depress or alone.
Slide #4 If you have been feeling depressed remember that no matter how overwhelming the problems in your life may seem suicide is never a solutions. Ex: If you are having family problems suicide is not going to solve anything its going to make things way more worst. Help: You can get help by talking to an adult or a counselor. Together they will find a solution that you may have not thought of on your own.
Slide#5 When I was thirteen I had a friend named Robert he always was so happy and out going and was smiling all the time. Then I started noticing that he was acting more and more sad everyday and a week passed and I asked him one day at school what was wrong and turns out he was having problems home and I told him to go get help and he didn’t. the next morning I went and talked to the counselor and he called him up and they talked for a while then he got a solution. The conselor called the family and talked to them then he went back to normal the next day.
Slide#6 When you feel alone go with your friends go have fun try not to be stressed all the time talk to people about your problems. Don’t hold everything in open up to someone that you trust.
Slide#7 When you are having problems at home and are thinking of suicide go get help right away. Talk to your counceler or your parents they will give you the help you need.