Being Lonely Feeling lonely means NOT feeling like you are a part of a group, large or small. Feel overlooked altogether and want to feel included Can get mixed up with rejection- not the same thing!
Feeling alone means: Being alone differs from being lonely because one CHOOSES to be alone. Spending time alone by choice can be relaxing, or a time for reflecting and thinking about attitudes, goals, life, etc. Doesn’t necessarily mean you are being rejected. It’s good to enjoy your own company sometimes!
Case Examples
Rejection is Means that others prefer not to be with you. When you try to join, you are shut out. Some lonely teens never get rejected because they may not even try to join a group. Deep & long-lasting. Suffered by those who are different from the average in their health, intelligence, appearance, or behavior.
Some reasons for rejection are: Physical Handicaps- Why? Super Smart Learning Disabilities Ethnic Origins Religious beliefs Gender Geography (where you live) Family Income Skill Level Inappropriate Behaviors Family Structures
Have you ever been affected by any of these? If so, What? Did you ever reject other because of these? If so, Why?
Questions to ask yourself if you feel lonely often: Do I belong with the group I want to join? Do I make the first move to be friendly or pay attention to others? Do I miss opportunities for friendship? Do I invest in others? Do I build resources in myself?