Text, Conventions and Genre Laura Lochore Westone Services
Tarian Adat??? Tarian Tulisan Sharing
Conventions Conventions of texts can relate to: Format and layout of text Type of language used Content
Conventions of texts Do not always transfer across cultures and languages Eg - Video phone conversationVideo phone conversation
Why look at conventions? Linguistic value Intercultural value Avoids separating texts into meaningless units But… it’s difficult… I’m not a background speaker, I don’t know these things! I’m a background speaker, it’s too automatic, I don’t know these things! Jangan kuatir!!!
How do I do it? Text type: Outcomes: Conventions of layout, content, etc. Conventions related to forms and features of Language (grammar patterns, phrases, word sets) Intercultural understandings Language learning strategies (what strategies will help learners make sense of and produce the text?) Learning activities:
Janji Joni What similarities and do you see on this DVD cover compared with English language DVD covers?
Price Sticker of authenticity Advertising/ sponsorship NO audience rating on front Uses more than one language Pictures of main characters Title and artist in large font Picture clues about story