The 12 Olympians Written and Illustrated by Phillip Martin
The Twelve Olympians Zeus Zeus was the king of the Greek gods. He was the god of thunder and sky. Zeus was the father of many of the gods up on Mount Olympus as well as humans in Greece.
The Twelve Olympians Hera Hera was the queen of the gods, both sister and wife of Zeus. She was the goddess of women and marriage. Peacocks, lions and cows were sacred to her. Heracles (or Hercules) was not.
The Twelve Olympians Poseidon Poseidon, King Zeus’ brother, was the god of the oceans but that included seas and rivers as well. He tamed horses, caused earthquakes as well as storms, and carried a trident.
The Twelve Olympians Demeter Demeter was the goddess of the harvest. She was a sister of Zeus as well as the mother of Persephone. It should come as no surprise that wheat, the cornucopia and bread were her symbols.
The Twelve Olympians Athena Athena was the goddess of wisdom and courage. She was the patroness of Athens and the people of the city built the Parthenon in her honor. Owls, helmets and spears were among her symbols.
The Twelve Olympians Apollo Apollo was the god of light, the sun, truth and poetry. His twin sister was Artemis. He is often seen holding a lyre, a gift from Hermes. He’s also associated with music, the arts and healing.
The Twelve Olympians Artemis Artemis was the goddess of wild animals and the hunt. She also helped women in childbirth. Her temple was one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.
The Twelve Olympians Ares Ares, the god of war, represented all the destruction of battle. It should come as no surprise his children were Fear and Terror. Some of his symbols were the spear, the helmet, a chariot and a flaming torch.
The Twelve Olympians Aphrodite Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. She was so lovely that Zeus feared it would cause problems. Zeus had her marry Hephaestus, who was really ugly.
The Twelve Olympians Hephaestus Hephaestus was the god of blacksmiths, fire and volcanoes. He made all of the weapons for the gods and his symbols were the hammer, anvil and tongs.
The Twelve Olympians Hermes Hermes was the messenger of the gods. He was also the god of thieves, travelers and sport. He carried a herald’s wand and wore both sandals and a hat with wings.
The Twelve Olympians Hestia Hestia was the goddess of the hearth, domesticity and family. She almost never left home. Her sisters were Hera and Demeter. There is a debate that possibly Hestia gave up her seat to Dionysus in order to stop conflict. The jury is still out.
The Twelve Olympians Dionysus Dionysus was the god of the grape harvest, wine, fertility and theater. Among his symbols are a staff tipped with a pine cone, the grapevine and a leopard skin.
The Twelve Olympians Hades What?! No Hades among the twelve Olympians? No, the god of the dead stayed way down in the underworld. His symbols included wealth and the lovely three - headed dog Cerberus.
The Twelve Olympians To learn more about the Greeks, continue on to the presentation on Ancient Greece.
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