Key evaluation activities in 2014 ARRI: 12 th edition A consolidated picture of results and impact achievement of IFAD operations Summary of cross-cutting issues and learning insights and recommendations on the basis of evaluations 2 nd edition of the IFAD Evaluation Manual 2
Key evaluation activities in 2014 (cont.) 3 CLEs: Assess the results of IFAD-wide corporate policies, strategies, business processes and organizational aspects Revised IFAD Policy on Grant Financing (Jan Jun 2014) IFAD’s engagement in fragile states (Jan 2014 – Jun 2015) CPEs: Include assessment of project portfolio, non-lending activities and COSOP performance, provide inputs into new COSOPs Ongoing CPEs – national roundtable workshops in 2014: Bolivia, China, Senegal, Zambia New CPEs: Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, Tanzania
Key evaluation activities in 2014 (cont.) 4 Project evaluations: PCRVs: Based on desk review, 100% coverage – around 30 PCRVs in 2014 PPAs: Include a brief field visit, 25% coverage - around 8 PPAs in 2014 Impact evaluation: 1 (project to be determined) Evaluation synthesis: IFAD’s engagement in middle income countries Pastoral development
Key evaluation activities in 2014 (cont.) 5 Other activities: Evaluation capacity building IOE Comments on RIDE IOE Comments on PRISMA Notes on COSOPs where CPEs are available 5-6 sessions of the Evaluation Committee and several presentations to the Board Engagement in IFAD10
Lessons learned 6 Relevance of evaluations to IFAD corporate and programmatic priorities Enhanced knowledge sharing, outreach and communication to further strengthen the evaluation learning and feedback loop The need to gain deeper insights into current operation, assessing their relevance as well as the extent to which past lessons are adequately internalized in new policies, strategies and operations. The importance for IFAD Management and staff to allocate the necessary time and resources in their work plans for evaluations Due attention to the approach paper (including methodology, process and timeline) and to the preparation of the self-assessment Regular interaction between IOE and concerned IFAD staff throughout the evaluation process