Phase-B plan workplan, management approach –Tony generalities, budget, politics –Andy Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
dilemma Phase B starts Sept 1st GSC meets Oct 15 !!! earliest new recruits in place Jan 2003 ? "Phase B" really a rolling programme –slower fade in –but also end date +6 months ? Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
dates Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002 pre-MSSLAGLI discussion Jun 26agree principles Jul 15indication of request to AOC Jul 30AOC meets Sept 1draft RG2s/ads/Job descriptions Oct 1Phase B request to GSC Oct 15GSC meets Nov 1PPARC announce grants Nov 15adverts out for first tranche Dec 1deadline for applications Dec 15interviews Jan/Febnew people start
components of request revised project goals workplan deliverables and milestones management plan personnel plan budget Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
Phase-B goals architecture/compt model gives reasonably clear workplan but no fixed WPs... to give AOC confidence need goals --- deliverables --- milestones Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
Phase-B effort plan is approx 80% build 20% R&D no new scientists needed –need agreed key roles for scientists twelve new developers –one lead / four senior / seven regular –where, when.... outsourcing –much less than anticipated at proposal point... –budget for 100K/yr Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
Phase-B hardware default is participating data centres make own hardware provision –most big new h/w requirements outside window but Leicester propose hardware for data warehouse should we provide standard search engine / analysis engine at each site ? allow 50K/year Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
Phase-B other costs licenses etc –development licenses only –in the noise : allow 25K/yr general budget training –its been (almost) free so far personal equipment –allow 2K/hd/yr as before travel –continues to be crucial : allow 3K/hd/yr as before Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
staff costs bundled staff rates –RAL = SLA rate –Uni staff = salary + 22% + 46% + 7K recharge + 2K equip + 1K consum + 3K travel junior developer 25K ==> 58K/FTE senior developer 35K ==> 75K/FTE lead developer 45K ==> 93K/FTE Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002
model budget/year Lead developer 92K Four seniors300K Seven juniors406K additional RAL effort 65K Hardware 50K Contracts100K General budget 25K TOTAL1038K
proposed team Investigators –7 people Management and Co-ordination team –5 people / 3.7 FTEs Science Team –6 people / 5.0 FTEs Development Team –19 people / 18.0 FTEs Andy Lawrence MSSL June 2002