Dr. Jackie Gilson CPS School Psychologist
Different kinds of stress: * Distress * Eustress Stress is normal. Stress is important. Stress helps you succeed. Mental health as a continuum.
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Become a good consumer of the vocabulary you are using. Ex. “I’m freaking out” Become aware of the language at home-you can be a catalyst of change Be aware of the vocabulary your friends are using. Stay away from drama and relationships that don’t support your mental health.
* Polarized thinking (all or nothing) * Tunnel Vision (seeing only what fits, usually negative) * Overgeneralization (conclusion based on 1 incident) * Arbitrary Inference (conclusion contrary to data) * Perfectionism (distorted standards) * Personalization (tying external events to yourself without basis) * Right-fighting (being right is most important) * Catastrophizing (expect disaster-no matter what)
We ALL do this The key is to become aware of them! When distressed -make a list! Get it out of your head and decide: * What do I have control over? * What do I not have control over? Anxiety is created whenever you try to control things you have no control over! Honesty=integrated mental health. You are as sick as your secrets.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Thoughts Feelings Behaviors
* Thoughts Minimize stress by cutting down on non-essentials What is your standard? “What’s the worst that could happen?” Challenge distorted thinking and negative core beliefs * Feelings What are the things that make you calm and happy? List at least 10 things that restore you and do them! * Behaviors Exercise, diet, sleep (!) Predictable, supportive peers and family relationships Modeling. For yourself and those around you. Meditation and relaxation techniques
Jackie Gilson, EdD, NCSP CPS School psychologist serving Lane Tech and DeVry High Schools