Office of Academic Grants and Sponsored Research Phone: Fax:
Why use the OAGSR? 2
Managed by the Office of Academic Grants & Sponsored Research - ext.3255 Identification of Funding Opportunities Proposal Conceptual Development Proposal Routing and Approval Proposal Submission Award Negotiation and Acceptance Transition to Post-Award 3
Finding Funding Opportunities 4
Concept Development 6
Proposal Routing, Approval, and Submission 7
Why This Process at TCNJ? 8
Managed by the OAGSR: Award/Contract Negotiation and Acceptance Post-Award Transition Budget Modifications and Changes in Scope Non-Financial Report Narratives Managed by the Office of the Treasurer Schedule of Award Implementation Meeting (AIM) Budget Account Setup Budget Account Management Financial Reporting Grant Closeout 10
Review PI responsibilities in carrying out the grant and College resources available to support the PI. Meet the people from OAGSR and Office of the Treasurer who will guide and support the various aspects of award management, including research compliance requirements, planning and program implementation, establishing and managing the grant account, hiring, procuring products and services, and reporting. 11 12
To Do Checklist If you have not done so already, register on InfoEd to keep updated on funding opportunities. Set up an appointment with the OAGSR to discuss your academic interests so we can assist you in finding funding opportunities and winning a grant. Visit our website 13
Who’s Who… Pre-Award Primary Duties Kortnay Woods (X3120) – Oversees the OAGSR, award/contract negotiations, grant and research compliance Lori Thompson (X2262) – Concept development, prospect research, narrative review Wendy Neil (X3255) – Online and e-systems, budget development and management, change of scope requests Post-Award Primary Duties Dana Van Nostrand (X3303) – Oversees Post-Award, fiscal compliance, audits Jeanette Vega (X2264) – Account set up and management, personnel set- up, time and effort reporting Catelyn Ferranto (X3382) – Financial analyst and reporting 14