Joint Science Workshop Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecology, and Related Applied Sciences
Organizers Diane Wickland Manager, Terrestrial Ecology Program and Lead, Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Focus Area Woody Turner Program Scientist, Biological Diversity and Program Manager, Ecological Forecasting, Applied Sciences Program Ed Sheffner Program Manager, Agricultural Efficiency, Carbon Management, and Invasive Species Applied Sciences Program Bill Emanuel Program Scientist, Terrestrial Ecology Program
Participating NASA Programs Terrestrial Ecology Program Biodiversity Related Applied Sciences Program Elements Agricultural Efficiency Carbon Management Invasive Species Ecological Forecasting EOS Interdisciplinary Studies Earth Observing System Science Carbon Cycle Science New Investigator Program Earth System Science Fellowship Program Meet Separately Land Cover and Land Use Change Program Ocean Biology and Biogeochemsitry Program Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area
Workshop Goals Exchange information, evaluate progress, and plan and coordinate future activities. Improve interactions and foster collaborations. Convey information about relevant NASA programs and how these are evolving. Highlight some of our cultural shifts and what new things may be expected of the science community. Discuss future activities and opportunities expected within the next ~5 years and how these relate to NASA’s roadmap objectives and other National goals and priorities. Present information and obtain feedback about cross- cutting support and infrastructure resources that serve the research and applications communities.
Workshop Goals Consider the objectives and approaches of the Applied Sciences Program to gain a better understanding of how research results are being extended to practical uses by decision makers. Improve interactions between people working within Applied Sciences Program elements and those involved in Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area research programs. Review processes for moving research results into National applications and consider “lessons learned” about what has worked, what has not, and why.
Community Interactions We wish to foster better communication among the research community, the applications community and the program managers. We seek recommendations from the workshop participants on how to do so and how to gauge the success of that effort.
Workshop Products and Outcomes Management Operations Working Group (MOWG) is beginning an advance planning activity for the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area and for the Terrestrial Ecology Program. An executive summary of the meeting may be produced. If you are interested in working on this, please make suggestions and volunteer during the Friday morning wrap-up session. Break-out session reports (assembled on-line) will summarize meeting discussions for use by various working groups and by NASA Headquarters program managers and scientists.
General Agenda Structure MorningsPlenary Sessions Stage-Setting Presentations NoontimeLunch Poster Sessions ~1:00 – 2:00 PM AfternoonBreak-out Sessions TUESDAY Biodiversity & Ecological Forecasting Project Presentations Lunch Poster Sessions ~1:00 – 2:00 PM Biodiversity & Ecological Forecasting Project Presentations
Biodiversity & Ecological Forecasting Tuesday Project Presentations
Agenda Structure – Science Themes Major Science Themes MONDAYBiodiversity & Invasive Species TUESDAYEcosystem Function/Physiology, Remote Sensing Science & Agricultural Efficiency WEDNESDAYModeling & Ecological Forecasting THURSDAYCarbon/Biogeochemistry & Carbon Management FRIDAY MORNING Discussion & Reactions Wrap-up & Action Items
Break-out Discussion Sessions The primary business of the workshop will occur in the break-out discussion sessions. In addition to break-out discussions on the science theme of each day, other sessions address cross- cutting topics. NASA organizers posed questions for each break-out group that we are interested in hearing about. Groups are encouraged to extend their discussions beyond these questions or incorporate other, more interesting questions relevant to their topics. On-line break-out reports and discussions reduce the need for lengthy reports in plenary sessions. Presentations will summarize only the most important conclusions and recommendations from break-out discussions. See the on-line reports for details and to comment. Space is available for small-group meetings in addition to the scheduled break-out sessions.
Break-Out Discussion Topics MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHRUSDAY Science Themes BiodiversityRemote Sensing Science Modeling GoalsCarbon Cycle Science Ecosystem Func/Physiology Applied Science Invasive SpeciesAgricultural Efficiency Ecological Forecasting Carbon Management Cross- Cutting Data & Information TechnologyNew Needs / Observations TechnologyNew Needs / Observations Education & Outreach Airborne Science Education & Outreach Land Measurements Modeling ToolsSystematic Observations Modeling Tools NACP Plans & Progress LBA Plans & Progress Future Field Campaigns ESSP MissionsMission StudiesESSP MissionsMission Studies
Documents and Web Links
Break-out Reports & On-Line Discussions
Special Sessions & Events 7:00 PM, Tuesday, August 22 Special Sessions “The Business of NASA Research” “Research to Operations” 7:00 PM, Thursday, August 24 Special Session “NASA Observations and Measurements” 6:00 PM, Monday, August 21 Reception in Main Concourse 6:30 PM, Wednesday, August 23 Social 94 th Aero Squadron Restaurant, College Park Please register for this social event