Verification A first attempt to WP 5.6.2 Preliminary results of one test case Matteo Buzzi, Pirmin Kaufmann, Dominique Ruffieux, Francis Schubiger MeteoSwiss.


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Presentation transcript:

Verification A first attempt to WP Preliminary results of one test case Matteo Buzzi, Pirmin Kaufmann, Dominique Ruffieux, Francis Schubiger MeteoSwiss

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Compared model runs for forecast of Model versions: Exp001 Exp002 operational aLMo (without TKE) and LM aLMo-TKE:TKE version opr at DWD + “last changes” SYNOP total cloudiness, T(k=ke, 2m), qv (k=ke), Td2m Model diffusion coefficients and TKE in the PBL at Payerne Measurements from Payerne Sounding T2m, T5cm ANETZ T2m, Td2m, (T-Td)2m, 10m-wind, total cloudiness

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Shortcomings for conditional verification Only one test case with: over the Swiss Middleland: low clouds (stratus) but not in the model forecast wind at 10 m and in the PBL very weak SYNOP verification not yet available as conditional verification no precipitation

Verification Surface Verification with SYNOP of the PBL Tuning Experiment at ECMWF Pirmin Kaufmann, MeteoSwiss

Verification Total cloud cover

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover +00 h (interpolated from IFS)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover +12 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover +24 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover +36 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover +48 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover +60 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover +72 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Mean total cloud cover h Large parts of N Europe is covered by 100% clouds exp002 has more clouds over N Europe Obs exp001 exp002

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Total cloud cover bias h higher values in exp002 some better: N Germany, Poland some worse: Italy, eastern ¼ of domain exp001 exp002

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, CLCT: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, CLCT: aLMo, 932, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: 932, blue: LM

Verification Temperature

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature at level 45 at +00 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature at level 45 at +12 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature at level 45 at +24 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature at level 45 at +36 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature at level 45 at +48 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature at level 45 at +60 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature at level 45 at +72 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature bias 2 m h much lower values in exp002 strong cold bias in exp002 exp001 exp002

Verification Humidity

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Specific humidity at level 45 at +00 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Specific humidity at level 45 at +12 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Specific humidity at level 45 at +24 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Specific humidity at level 45 at +36 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Specific humidity at level 45 at +48 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Specific humidity at level 45 at +60 h (noon)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Specific humidity at level 45 at +72 h (midnight)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Dew point temperature bias 2 m h much lower values in exp002 strong negative bias in exp002 exp001 exp002

Verification Vertical profiles Payerne (PBL)

Verification 00 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+00) EXP02 (00+00)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Radiosounding EXP01 (00+12) EXP02 (00+12) aLMo (12+00)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Radiosounding EXP01 (00+24) EXP02 (00+24) aLMo (12+12)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Radiosounding EXP01 (00+36) EXP02 (00+36) aLMo (12+24)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Radiosounding EXP01 (00+48) EXP02 (00+48) aLMo (12+36)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Radiosounding EXP01 (00+60) EXP02 (00+60) aLMo (12+48)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Radiosounding EXP01 (00+72) EXP02 (00+72) aLMo (12+60)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature temperature 2m T_2M (aLMo) CLIMAP hourly T_2m (ANETZ) temperature 0m T_G (aLMo) CLIMAP hourly T_5cm (ANETZ)

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen,

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Short-wave radiation GLOB+ALB_RAD  Kup + Kbudget BSRN Kup + Kdown  Kbudget Radiation

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen,

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen,

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Long-wave radiation LW_IN_TG LW_IN_T2M BSRN LW-down Radiation

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen,

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Shortwave radiation Payerne

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Longwave radiation Payerne

Verification Model diffusion coefficients and TKE in the PBL at Payerne

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Turbulent diffusion coefficients Payerne

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, TKE of the lowest 3 layers

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, TKE lowest 20 layers Payerne

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Surface and soil T

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Temperature in the lowest layers

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, T2M: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, T2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM obs noTKE TKE LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, DP2M: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, DP2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM obs noTKE TKE LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, DP2M: exp 001, 002, LM selected stations LuganoSamedan ChurNapf (Rheintal) SionLocarno NeuchâtelStabio full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, DP2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM selected stations LuganoSamedan ChurNapf (Rheintal) SionLocarno NeuchâtelStabio obs noTKE TKE LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, DPD2M: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, DPD2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM obs noTKE TKE LM

Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, Summary (Exp002 as compared to Exp001) PBL at Payerne: especially during the night and in the first part of the forecast reduced dry bias (less dry) reduced warm bias (colder) SYNOP: increased negative bias in T2m and Td2m increased regions with low clouds over land Diffusion coefficients, TKE and T(ground till k=ke-2) at Payerne Lower values in Exp002 (as defined in set-up) in temperature: extremely large vertical gradients and „erratic“ temporal behaviour (not understood) ANETZ: Larger diurnal amplitude in T2m (colder during night) „erratic“ behaviour in Td2m at some locations in Exp002 and LM