Dew Point and Relative Humidity
What is Humidity? Humidity- the amount of water vapor (WV) in the air Relative Humidity- the % of WV in the air compared to the maximum amount of WV the air can hold at a certain temp. gston+NJ+07039
True or False? WARM air can hold more water vapor than COLD air. TRUE! Warmer air is less dense, and therefore, has more room for water molecules
WARM AIR COLD AIR Larger volume, more room for H 2 O Smaller volume, less room for H 2 O
Calculating relative humidity: If 1 cubic meter of air at 60°F can hold 8 grams of water vapor and it currently holds 6 grams, what is the relative humidity of the air? 6 g ÷ 8 g = 0.75 = 75% rel. humidity
How is relative humidity measured? Relative humidity is measured with an instrument called a psychrometer
What is saturation? Saturation- The point at which air is “full” of water vapor R.H. = 100% Water vapor condenses
What happens when the air is saturated? DEW POINT - the temperature at which the air is saturated and condensation begins. –I–If DP is above freezing: liquid water (dew) –I–If DP is below freezing: solid water (frost)
Dew = air reaching condensation point ABOVE freezing
Frost- air reaches condensation point BELOW freezing