REASONS I believe that Missouri should have a year- round hog hunting season, but with certain limitations. REASONS The wild hog population is rapidly increasing. The hogs are destroying property and killing animals and even humans.
The problem with having a year-round hunting season would be that the hogs could be hunted to the point of extinction. However, we could have more food for the hungry and stop major amounts of erosion from the loss of grass. Also, the hogs would stop damaging the land because MOST OF ‘EM WOULD BE DEAD!
INFORMATION ON FERAL HOGS Feral hogs generally live in dense vegetation near streams or rivers. They can move elsewhere, mainly due to food availability and hunting competition. The feral hog is an ancestor of the domesticated pig. The main reason for concentrated populations is the release of domesticated pigs, who then become wild.
HISTORY Feral hogs, also known as wild boars, came to America from Europe by Spanish Explorers. These pigs escaped and over time became wild. Russian species of the boars were discovered in America in 1893 after escaping from a hunting reservation. Today, they are found in 23 states. These are the KNOWN populations, with more likely living in other states. Biologists estimate the nationwide population to be about 4 million.
THE ADVENTURES OF GOOFUS AND MR. PIG, PART 1 One cool, brisk morning, a man named Goofus was out on his daily hunt. Goofus was on a mission to successfully hunt at least one of every animal in his forest. Today, Goofus was hunting for wild boar. He had been trying to catch the same wild boar, which he had named “Mr. Pig”, for three weeks. According to Goofus, Mr. Pig was, “Like a small elephant.”
THE ADVENTURES OF GOOFUS AND MR. PIG, PART 2 Goofus was walking through the woods behind his house, when a rustling in the bushes caught his attention. A wild boar the size of a small elephant sprang out of the bushes. Goofus cried out “Mr. Pig!”, and chased him as Mr. Pig ran off to the east.(Pay attention; that will play a crucial part in the story.) Goofus ran and ran and ran, just like Forrest Gump, but to no avail. He couldn’t catch Mr. Pig. Then, Goofus pulled out his compass and realized he had been heading west the whole time! Goofus sprinted off to the east saying, “I can smell the bacon already.” Goofus was like a timber wolf chasing its prey, determined and unstoppable.
THE ADVENTURES OF GOOFUS AND MR. PIG, PART 3 After three hours, Goofus finally caught up with Mr. Pig