Maya, Aztec, Inca Mrs. Mitchell 6th grade
Maya 250 BC – 900 AD Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala Cities: Tikal, Chichen Itza Written language-hieroglyphics Pyramids Farming-raised fields, canals, corn
Maya Astronomy Calendar Concept of zero Predicted spring/fall equinoxes Religion-many gods: sun, rain
Aztecs 1325-1521 AD Mexico Capital city: Tenochtitlan Built on an island Causeways Canals Chinampas Temples and pyramids
Aztecs Legend – how they found the place to build their city Eagle, cactus, snake Codex Religion-many gods Warriors
Inca 1438-1533 AD South America 2500 miles of territory Coastal area plus Andes Mountains Cuzco-capital city Machu Piccu-lost city Stone work Pyramids Messengers
Inca Farming-terraces No written records-everything by messenger Quipu-record keeping Gold Religion-many gods
Spanish Conquistadors Aztecs conquered by Cortez in 1521 Inca conquered by Pizzaro in 1533 Maya-only theories about what happened to them.