AreaElem.H.S. 1. Basic Amount$ $ Group B Spec. Ed.Varies by Category 3. Pupil Transportation (Average) $ Capital (CORL and Soft Capital) $450.76$ Additional AssistanceN/A Total:$ $
AreaElem.H.S. 1. Basic Amount$ $ Group B Spec. Ed.Varies by Category (Weight for Districts and Charters Identical) 3. Pupil TransportationN/A 4. Capital (CORL and Soft Capital) N/A 5. Additional Assistance$ $ Total:$ $
School TypeElem.H.S. Charter$ $ District$ $ Variation$888.91$ %22.6%
District could qualify for teacher experience index 1-3% Some districts have Career Ladder (Elimination process started) Districts and charters qualify for small school adjustment (less than 600), but multiple charter applications qualify more charters
Overrides up to 15% (voter approval) Bond elections (reduced limits of 10% of AV for unified and 5% of AV for elementary and high school districts) voter approval Impact Aid Revenue Bonds
Set capacity by total and grade level No spending limit allows unlimited carry over
School TypeTotal Spec. Ed Expenditures Total # of Students Amount per Student Population Charter$26,379,833106,882$ District$679,386,015943,430$ Districts spend $ more per student than charters (Note 85% of special education students are Group A)
School TypeTotal Expenditures Student CountExpenditures per Student Charters$857,984,226106,882$8027 Districts$8,642,934,787947,910$9118 Source: Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
AreaCharterDistrict Classroom Instruction and Classroom Supplies $3353/ 50.3%$4178/ 56.8% Administration$1295/ 19.4%$715/ 9.7% Student Support Services $392/ 5.9%537/ 7.3% Other Support Services$1620/ 24.3%$1920/ 26.1% Total:$6660$7350 Source: Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction