Building a Rubric How To Evaluate a Skill or Object
How do we evaluate, or judge, these things? A Horse Race The Long Jump A Horse Race The Long Jump
How do we evaluate, or judge, this? The Solution to a Math Problem
How do we evaluate, or judge, this? A Person Playing Guitar
How do we evaluate, or judge, this? Figure Skating
What is missing from this description of how Miss America is judged? The Miss America Competition weighted score values are: Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit - 15% Evening Wear - 20% Talent - 35% Private Interview - 25% On-Stage Question – 5%
Is this description easy to use? Why or why not? Levels of Leadership Level 2 Leadership (Novice) Shows occasional signs of insecurity about leading, or is overly confident about own leadership skills Shows occasional signs of insecurity about leading, or is overly confident about own leadership skills Gives too much attention to the task or to interpersonal relations in the group Gives too much attention to the task or to interpersonal relations in the group Asks for ideas and suggestions but neglects to consider them Asks for ideas and suggestions but neglects to consider them Lets the group ramble or stray off track too much, or keeps the group so rigidly on track that relevant issues or concerns are ignored Lets the group ramble or stray off track too much, or keeps the group so rigidly on track that relevant issues or concerns are ignored Has an agenda and goals for the group Has an agenda and goals for the group
Why is this rubric easier to use?
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