Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 1Transmission Transparency, 17.10.2007 Transmission Transparency Project GRI North-West.


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Presentation transcript:

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 1Transmission Transparency, Transmission Transparency Project GRI North-West Operators‘ Group Transparency Workstream The Hague, 24 October 2007

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 2Transmission Transparency, Contents  Introduction  Way Forward  Quick Wins  General Definitions  Capacity Information  Flow Information  List of Participating Operators  Draft Time Schedule

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 3Transmission Transparency, Introduction At SG meeting in Dublin, TSOs announced the development of a project plan for best practices based on requests of market participants TSOs information release principles: information release should not jeopardise the legitimate position of a TSO's customer or other industry stakeholder information release should not jeopardise the position of TSOs information providers should be rewarded for publication EFET wish list established (Requirements go beyond current legislative requirements)  Transparency questionnaire responses and Ofgem-Workshop  Plan represents TSO commitment to make progress towards the wish list

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 4Transmission Transparency, Way Forward Objective:  Improving the publication of capacity and flow data on a high standard  Providing clarity over current and proposed published data definitions  Demonstrating commitment to respond market reqirements Steps:  Identification of areas of quick wins  Establishing a list of participating operators  Development of anticipated time schedule  Establishing individual TSO implementation plans

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 5Transmission Transparency, Quick Wins Capacity Information  (C1) Max technical capacity of the transmission system  (C2) Level of interruption probability  (C3) Daily commercial firm and interruptible capacity Flow Information  (F1) Daily flow and interruptions  (F2) Daily prompt allocation information to each shipper  (F3) Daily aggregate day-ahead nominations  (F4) Historic gas flow information database

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 6Transmission Transparency, General Definitions The provision of the following information refers to cross -border interconnection points D + 1: the gas day after the relevant day D – 1: the gas day before the relevant day Aggragated information are published on the TSOs‘ websites, shipper specific information will be communicated directly to each shipper Hourly\Daily Information will be published daily

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 7Transmission Transparency, (C1) Capacity Information Max technical capacity of the transmission system Generally static data which only varies with additional investment, transmission asset expiry etc Expected to be updated on a periodic/annual basis following a permanent change in maximum technical capability Each TSO will publish a definition of the provided data according to the relevant market rules

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 8Transmission Transparency, (C2) Capacity Information Level of interruption probability Information on previous interruptions may indicate the chance of being interrupted in the future TSOs are/will be publishing following Information:  Maintenance plans  Information on flows and previous interruptions (see F1)  Booked firm and interruptible capacities (see C3)  Available firm and interruptible capacities (see C3)  Day-ahead nominations (see F3) TSOs invite market participants to define a interruption probability assessment based on the information above

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 9Transmission Transparency, (C3) Capacity Information Daily commercial firm and interruptible capacity Dynamic data reflecting the levels of booked and available capacity Aggregate values of each of the following capacity categories, as applicable, for the relevant gas day:  Booked firm entry capacity  Booked firm exit capacity  Booked interruptible entry capacity  Booked interruptible exit capacity  Available firm entry capacity  Available firm exit capacity  Available interruptible entry capacity  Available interruptible exit capacity Updated Information on a daily basis dependent on market arrangements

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 10Transmission Transparency, (F1) Flow Information Daily flow and interruptions Dynamic data reflecting actual flows and interruptions Aggregate gas flow / aggregate confirmed nominations in each direction Aggregate gas flow interruptions initiated by TSO in each direction Published D + 1

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 11Transmission Transparency, (F2) Flow Information Daily prompt allocation information to each shipper Dynamic data reflecting flow allocation provided daily via private website or EDIGAS/ other direct communication links For each shipper, their individual allocation of gas in each direction (where applicable) Published D + 1

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 12Transmission Transparency, (F3) Flow Information Daily aggregate day-ahead nominations Dynamic data reflecting aggregate nominations day-ahead Sum of all nominations received by TSO at first gate closure Test period to make sure market players’ / TSOs’ positions are not jeopardised Published D – 1

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 13Transmission Transparency, (F4) Flow Information Historic gas flow information database Historic repository of information specified in ‘Daily flow and interruptions‘ (F1)

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 14Transmission Transparency, List of Participating Operators Netherlands United Kingdom GermanyBelgium FranceIreland Sweden Northern Ireland Denmark

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 15Transmission Transparency, Se p Oct No v De c JanFebMarAprMayJunJul Au g Se p Oct No v De c Identification areas of quick wins High level plan Feedback TSOs finalization on plans Detailed project plan Implementation at each TSO Result Draft Time Schedule First winsLater winsFinal wins

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 16Transmission Transparency, Draft Time Schedule

Gas Regional Initiative North-West Transmission System Operators Page 17Transmission Transparency, Transmission Transparency Project Contact: Oliver Altenhoff E.ON Gastransport AG & Co. KG Kallenbergstr Essen GERMANY Thank you!