The word “information” is used commonly in our day to day working. In MIS, information has precise meaning and it is different from data. An information system in an organization is like the nervous system in the human body :it is the link that connect all the organization’s components together and provide for better operations The term information system usually refers to a computer – based system. Information system in an organizations thus provide information support for decision makers. Information system encompass,TPS,MIS,DSS, and SIS.
“Information is what is used in the act of informing or the state of being informed. Information includes knowledge acquired by some means. It is processed data which in turn is collection of facts, observations and figures.” DATA PROCESSING INFORMATION
Strategic information Tactical information and Operational information Broadly speaking, information could be classified on the basis of the purpose for which it is utilised, into three main categories:-
Quality of information refers to Its fitness for use, or its reliability. Some of the attributes which influence quality of information are:-Timeliness, accuracy, relevancy, adequacy, completeness and explicitness
INFORMATION OVERLOAD as per dictionary means “an overwhelming feeling upon the receipt or collection of an indigestible or incomprehensible amount of information, the feeling of being faced with an amount of data that one has no hope of completely processing”.
It’s is one of the method used for improving communication. Summarization is a commonly used method of data reduction and it refers to the reduction of data to a meaningful and concise form. For example, each employees gross pay and taxes are accumulated from the beginning of the year may now be summarized and printed summarization reduces the amount of data transmission without changing the essential meaning of the original message. Accounting classification is a formal method of data summarizing.
An important method used to exercise control over information transmission is message modification of filtering. It refers to the removal of unwanted and irrelevant data so as to make the information more useful to the recipient. Under this method the meaning of the message is altered before it is transmitted.when information is passed from lower level to the higher level in the organization structure. It is the process whereby a manager selectively accepts that much input, which his mental ability can manage to process.
METHOD EXAMPLECONTENT The frame of reference by using knowledge and experience Period, product, market segmentation, decision rules or procedures. Ignore the past data, consider only some only the relevant market segments Universally acclaimed normal decision procedure. Break even analysis, methods offixing inventory levels. Ignores the intangible factors. Ignore the demand variation based onexperience.
Inferences are drawn from a large volume of data and these inferences are transmitted or communicated in the organization instead of original data. This process reduces the volume of data considerably. The quality of inference depends on the ability and skill of the person who make the inference.
Message routing is another method of improving the degree of communication. The principle here is to distribute the information to all those who are accountable for the subsequent action or decision in any manner. Message routing principle achieves the spread of information to the appropriate quarters. The message should be distributed to only those persons or departments which really require information to make decision or initiate an action. For example, copies of purchase order should be sent to production, distribution and billing sections because these departments have to take direct action based on this order.