To find out the existing pattern of safe water security and sanitary means in Manoharpur To show the development trend of sanitation To assess the role of NGO and GO for improving health condition
Source : Banglapedia
Where, Sample Size = 88 (Kothari, 2009)
Questionnaire Survey Key Informants’ Interviews Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Manirampur Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI) Manirampur Department of Public Health Engineering(DPHE) Jessore Bangladesh Health Department (BHD) Manirampur Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) Jessore Relevant thesis, reports, official records and newspapers Unpublished data of the NGO’s Books/Journals Internet.
Number of Shallow Tube-wellNumber of Deep Tube-well ActiveInactiveTotal Arsenic Contamin ated ActiveInactiveTotal Source: Field Survey
Source: Field Survey
Distance Deep tube- well(Percentage of Respondent) Shallow tube- well(Percentage of Respondent) Pond(Percentage of Respondent) <100 m > Source: Field Survey
Subject Percentage of Respondent HaveNot Have Latrine in the household946 Source: Field Survey
Source: Field Survey
Source: Field Survey
Source: Field Survey
Source: Field Survey
SubjectPercentage of Respondent Assistance from health worker Get Assistance No Assistance 6733 Source: Field Survey
Source: Field Survey
People are dependent upon tube-well water for drinking (100%)and cooking(90%) and pond water are used for bathing((78%), washing(75%). But the distance of safe water points are far away from the people’s house. So, authority should adopt relevant policy to provide safe water. The study area is not in full sanitation coverage and also (52%)unhygienic (not water sealed) latrines are being used. So, authority should take proper steps to fulfill hundred percent sanitation coverage and uses of hygienic (water sealed) latrines. People are unaware of children faeces and domestic waste disposal, washing of hands by germ removing materials before taking food, cleaning of latrine etc. Therefore, it needs motivational work for behavioral change about this personal hygiene.
Photographs: Water Points in Manoharpur
Photographs: Latrine in Manoharpur