MODIS Enhanced-V 1.MODIS IR covering Enhanced-V event 0430z May 25, 2004 Located MODIS L1B Granule at LAADs (MODIS archive and distribution web site) that is a near match with AVHRR for the first Enhanced-V case study File name: MOD021KM.A hdf 2.Processed two ways for evaluation of WCS mapping functions 1.MODIS L1B swath granule from LAADs Web site 1.Select & download from LAADS Website to desktop 1.MOD021KM.A hdf (~73MB at 1353 pixels per scan x2030 scans) 2.MOD03.A hdf (~28 MB lat-lon fields at full resolution 1353x2030) 2.Extract HDF SDS from MOD021KM using hdf2bin utility 3.Java application reads hdf2bin output and subsets Band 31 (~10MB) 4.JFDetectSubset application reads binary band 31 (11um window channel) 2.Subset requested send to WCS 1.Formulate URL request (size & bounding box lat-lon) 1.Service = WCS 2.Request = getCoverage 3.Width = 2500, height= Format = GeoTIFF 5.bbox = , , , Swath:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B:EV_1KM_Emissive 7.Band_1KM_Emissive=11/11/1 2.Download, rename file with tif extension 3.Adjustments for display of radiance field and detector results 1.Band 31 Scaled integers (need conversion to radiance, then Tb) 2.MB enhancement lookup table used to show cloud top structure in GOES IR data 3.Detector number of levels below top (above sink) limited to 500 for contour integral display (needs to be based on temperature at tropopause)
Lat Lon 2500x2500 Swath 1354x2030 MOD021KM.A hdf 1.Select & download from LAADS Website to desktop 2.Subset to binary using hdf2bin utility 1.URL request to WCS for subset on lat-lon grid 2.Downloaded from WCS to desktop
Lat-Lon subset Grid 30x30 Swath subset Grid 30x30 Detected Sinks (holes) 1.Contour minimum (sink) 1.Orange – single level 2.Red – multiple levels 2.Contour Integral max & min 1.Blue – modes 2.Green - nodes Detected Peaks (tops) 1.Contour maximum (cloud top) 1.Orange – single level 2.Red – multiple levels 2.Contour Integral max & min 1.Drawn from 2.Blue – modes (max) 3.Green – nodes (min)
Detected Cloud Events