RMS Update to TAC November 1, 2007
RMS Activity Summary RMGRR057, Competitive Metering Working Group Name Change (VOTE) Update on RMS Working Group and Task Force Activity
RMGRR057, Competitive Metering Working Group Name Change (VOTE) This action updates the Retail Market Guide to reflect the renaming of the group and to document the role and responsibility of the Retail Metering Working Group. 6.5 Retail Metering Working Group (RMWG) The Retail Metering Working Group (RMWG), reporting to the Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS), is involved in policy issues and operational aspects of retail metering. RMWG provides a forum in which Market Participants (MPs) and others may participate to facilitate changes in standards, specifications, procedures and practices associated with retail metering as reflected in the ERCOT Protocols and the Competitive Metering Guide (CMG). In addition, the RMWG will provide a forum for discussing other retail metering guides required for the implementation of advanced metering and future PUCT rulemakings. RMWG also helps develop business requirements for any changes necessary to implement Public Utility Commission of Texas rules related to retail metering and deliver these requirements to the appropriate subcommittee and/or working group.
RMGRR057, Competitive Metering Working Group Name Change (VOTE) RMS recommended approval on August 15 ERCOT presented Impact Analysis to RMS on October 10. No impacts were identified RMS unanimously approved on October 10 RMS requests TAC approval.
RMS Work Group and Task Force Updates TX SET Updating SET Procedures Synch up of RMG and Protocols Section 18 relating to Mandatory IDR Installation Recommendation to be made to PWG on Section 18 Nodal transition issue relating to substation identifier Monitoring Distributed Generation TF and the proposed Demand Response TF activity for potential changes in data communication in meter values and profile assignment. Retail Metering Monitoring PUCT Project stemming from HB3693 and as it relates Distributed Generation and metering; and, Project for Advanced Metering Implementation
RMS Work Group and Task Force Updates Market Metrics Working Group Joint CR-TDSP Collaboration Supporting PUCT Staff rulemaking process. Anticipate rule will be published November 8 and addressed at Open Meeting on November 15. Next Steps will include development of reporting template to support quarterly reporting requirement by ERCOT, CR’s and TDSP’s
RMS Work Group and Task Force Updates TX Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG) SCR748 website enhancements to support ERCOT Outage Notifications Still on schedule to complete testing and deploy by the end of this quarter SCR745 Retail Market Outage Evaluation and Resolution Project initiated to cluster Paperfree file server. Cluster set up and extensive testing started. Working to procure licensing through PR-60006_01. Coordination effort with AIX conversion. Project in “Closing” status on PPL.
RMS Work Group and Task Force Updates MarkeTrak Ph 2 Task Force July initiated task to define requirements for enhancements to market issue resolution tool. MT2 is used to resolve various issues including out-of sync conditions, data mismatches and inadvertent gain. User guides and extensive requirements definitions are in final stages. Recommendation for RMS approval 12/5/2007. Inadvertent Gain Task Force Formed in early summer with objective to revise guidelines, educate MP’s, and establish consistency of understanding and process. Final recommendation due at 12/5 RMS.