1 Synod – May Exec – June and August General invitation 1 Circuit Meeting 4 CLTs 3 Presbyters 1 Circuit Steward
2 1.What might continue to be gained by having something ‘Larger then Circuit’? Advice, expertise and support …… especially in Property Property Lay employment Lay employment Safeguarding Safeguarding Framework for the strong to support the weak
3 2. What might be lost if there was nothing ‘Larger than Circuit’ except for the Connexional Team and the Conference? A more local source of support A more local source of support A layer of connexional belonging A layer of connexional belonging A forum in which some can meet, consult, share experience and pray A forum in which some can meet, consult, share experience and pray A unit of ecumenical relating A unit of ecumenical relating Ready access to grants for mission Ready access to grants for mission Objective scrutiny e.g. vocations Objective scrutiny e.g. vocations material material
4 3. If there were to be nothing between Circuits and the Conference, how might the current functions of the Districts be carried out? (cf. Appendix 4) “ Dispense with districts and expand the connexional admin.” Paid connexional officers / Voluntary district officers Fear that more work may be pushed down a level Would mean a reversal/diversion of moves to devolve DAF grants DAF grants Lay employment Lay employment Safeguarding Safeguarding Engagement with education Engagement with education
5 4. What might be the necessary functions of a ‘Larger than Circuit’ entity or entities?
6 Candidates – examination & support Complaints & discipline Diaconal networks Budgeting & Grant-making Lay employment oversight Lay ministries networking & development Engagement with education Probationers – support & oversight Property consents / scrutiny of schemes SabbaticalsStationing Superintendents’ meetings Synod / regional gathering Safeguarding Vocational discernment
7 Awareness-raising of Methodist charities Chaplaincy review Children & youth networks & events City centre missions Creating opportunity for circuits to work together Discipleship training Ecumenical relationships Elections & appointments Interfaith relationships LP / WL support & continual development Mission policy & strategy
8Archives Engagement with wider society International houses LEP designations & constitutional approval Memorials & resolutions to Conference
9 5. What might be lost by having a smaller number of ‘Larger than Circuit’ groupings (currently Districts) than at present? Some face to face meeting Some face to face meeting Knowledge of circuits and ministers in stationing Knowledge of circuits and ministers in stationing Some green-ness Some green-ness Regions are performing different functions than districts Regions are performing different functions than districts
10 6. What might the relationship be between larger Circuits and ‘Larger than Circuit’ entities or smaller Circuits and ‘Larger than Circuit’ entities? Widening definition of “circuit” Widening definition of “circuit” Large circuit more independent Large circuit more independent Small circuits dependent Small circuits dependent Few enough & large enough circuits could work but needs to be uniform across connexion Few enough & large enough circuits could work but needs to be uniform across connexion
11 7. How might ‘Larger than Circuit’ be undertaken differently and/or more effectively than now? Working groups for different tasks – varying sizes and time commitments “Varied and varying set of loose associations”
12 8. How might ‘Larger than Circuit’ be undertaken more cost effectively than now? “God also speaks through finance / resource issues” Chairs – part-time, part-funded by circuits More virtual work / electronic communication