The prediction of charged charmoniumlike structures with the hidden-charm and open- strange 刘 翔 兰州大学 2013 年 6 月 27 日中国科学技术大学交叉学科理论研究中心 ·


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Presentation transcript:

The prediction of charged charmoniumlike structures with the hidden-charm and open- strange 刘 翔 兰州大学 2013 年 6 月 27 日中国科学技术大学交叉学科理论研究中心 ·

Outline Zc(3900) observed by BESIIIZc(3900) observed by BESIII The lessons from studying the hidden- bottom decays of Y(5S)The lessons from studying the hidden- bottom decays of Y(5S)  ISPE mechanism  ISPE mechanism Novel charged structures existing in the hidden-charm dikaon decays of higher charmonia or charmonium-like statesNovel charged structures existing in the hidden-charm dikaon decays of higher charmonia or charmonium-like states SummarySummary Xiang LZU2

Zc(3900) observed by BESIII Xiang LZU3 BESIII, PRL 110, (2013)  A charged charmonium-like structure  Near the threshold

Zc(3900) confirmed by Belle Xiang LZU4 BESIII, PRL 110, (2013) Belle confirmed the BESIII observation of Zc(3900)!

Xiang LZU5 CLEO-c, arXiv: CLEO-c also released their result of searching for Zc(3900) Exotic state?

Abundant observations of charmonium-like states XYZ in the past decade BaBar, Belle, CLEO, CDF, CMS, LHCb BaBar, Belle, CLEO, CDF, CMS, LHCb Four different production mechanisms nonperturbative QCD effectQCD strong interaction (nonperturbative QCD effect) Charmonium-like states XYZ  Zc(3900) makes the spectrum of XYZ become more abundant  New process different former four production mechanisms

Xiang LZU7 The lessons from studying the hidden-bottom decays of Y(5S)

Experiment Xiang LZU8 Belle Collaboration arXiv:

Charged bottomonium-like structures Charged bottomonium-like structures Close to the and threshold Close to the and threshold Xiang LZU9

Dipion hidden-bottom decays of Y(5S) Xiang LZU10 Puzzles of Y(5S) decays Anomalous production of Y(ns) π + π - with 21.7 fb -1 PRL100, (2008) Y(5S)  Y(1S) π + π ±0.04±0.09 Y(5S)  Y(2S) π + π ±0.07±0.16 Y(5S)  Y(3S) π + π Y(2S)  Y(1S) π + π Y(3S)  Y(1S) π + π Y(4S)  Y(1S) π + π PRD82, R (2011) Γ (MeV) Rescattering mechnism Meng, Chao, PRD77, (2008) Tetraquakr state Yb near Y(5S) Ali et. al., PLB684, (2010)

Xiang LZU11 Ali et al., PRL104, Tetraquark explanation to Y(10870) Chen, He, Li, Xiang Liu, Phys.Rev.D84:074006,2011 Indicate the mistake in Ali’s work Propose interference effect New puzzle!

Zb structues and New Puzzle Xiang LZU12 Chen, Xiang Liu, Zhu, PRD84, (2011) Two newly observed Z b structures play important role to solve “New puzzle” in Y(5S)  Y(2S)π+π- decay Question: what is the source to generate Zb(10610) and Zb(10650)?

Exotic states? Xiang LZU13 Can we find other mechanisms to explain it? BB* and B*B* molecular states Tetraquark states Charged bottomonium-like structures Charged bottomonium-like structures Close to the D*D and D*D* threshold Close to the D*D and D*D* threshold Cusp effect from BB* and B*B* thresholds Bugg, Europhys. Lett.96:11002, 2011

Initial Single Pion Emission (ISPE) mechanism Xiang LZU14 D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu, Phys.Rev.D84:094003,2011 First propose a new decay mechanism existing in Y(5S) decay the ISPE mechanism The emitted pion with continuous energy distribution  B* and B* with low momentum  Easily interacte with each other  B*B*  Y(nS)π

Xiang LZU15 B*B* BB* BB Exp Kitty head!

Xiang LZU16 BB*BBB*B* D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu, Phys.Rev.D84:094003,2011

Xiang LZU17 Chen, Xiang Liu, Zhu, PRD84, (2011) A underlying mechanism without introducing exotic explanation!  Explain why the charged structures near BB* and B*B* thresholds can be found in the hidden-charm dipion decays of Y(5S)  We cannot find the sharp peak close to the BB threshold

Xiang LZU18 Motivation: If the ISPE mechanism is an universal mechanism in heavy quarkonium dipion decays, we naturally extend the ISPE mechanism to study the hidden- charm dipion decays of higher charmonia similarityThe similarity between charmonium and bottomonium predictionsGive predictions for future experiment An important test to the ISPE mechanismAn important test to the ISPE mechanism similarityThe similarity between charmonium and bottomonium predictionsGive predictions for future experiment An important test to the ISPE mechanismAn important test to the ISPE mechanism Novel charged structures existing in the hidden-charm dipion decays of higher charmonia or charmonium-like states

Xiang LZU19 D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu, Phys.Rev.D84:094003,2011 Higher charmonia Higher charmonia Ψ(4040),Ψ(4160),Ψ(4415) Charmonium-like state Charmonium-like state Y(4260), Y(4360) ISPE mechanism

Xiang LZU20 D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu, Phys.Rev.D84:094003,2011 Predict the charged charmonium-like structures near the and thresholds.

CLEO-c, PRL107, (2011) D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu, Phys. Rev. D84, (2011) Xiang LZU21

The Belle Collaboration, Chang-Zheng Yuan’s talk given in “Hadron Structure and interactionin 2011” Xiang LZU22

D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu Phys. Rev. D84, (2011) BESIII’s experimental paper mentioned our theoretical predictions of charged charmonim- like structures BESIII, PRL 110, (2013)

Xiang LZU24 D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu, T. Matsuki, arXiv: Reproduce Zc(3900) via the ISPE mechanism

Xiang LZU25 D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu, T. Matsuki, arXiv: The similarity between Y(4360) and Y(4260) Novel charged charmoniumlike structures in the hidden-charm dipion decays of Y(4360)

Xiang LZU26 ISChE mechanism and the predicted charged charmoniumlike structures with the hidden-charm and open-strange D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu and T. Matsuki Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013)

Xiang LZU27 The initial single chiral particle emission (ISChE) mechanism ISChE mechanism is an important extension of ISPE mechnism proposed by us D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu and T. Matsuki, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) Both the pion and kaon can chiral particles be categorized as chiral particles.  The hidden-charm dikaon decays of a higher charmonium are intriguing processes  The initial single chiral particle emission (ISChE) mechanism can play an important role in these decays

Xiang LZU28 Via ISChE mechanism, we study these processes: These processes satisfy Belle, PRL99, (2007) EPL85, (2009) charged charmoniumlike structures We will answer the question of whether there exist charged charmoniumlike structures with both of hidden-charm and open-strange channels.

Xiang LZU29 Effective Lagrangian approach is adopted to write out the decay amplitude Effective Lagrangians the heavy quark limit + chiral symmetry

Xiang LZU30 Decay amplitude: Monoploe form factor

Xiang LZU31 A general expression of the differential decay width

Xiang LZU32 Our result indicates: No charged charmonium-like structure with hidden-charm and hidden-strange, which is near the DsD threshold can be found. The predicted charged charmoniumlike structures with the hidden-charm and open- strange D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu and T. Matsuki, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013)

Xiang LZU33  There exist enhancement structures with both hidden-charm and open- strange.  These predicted charged charmonium-like structures can be accessible at future experiment, especially BESIII, BelleII and SuperB. D.Y. Chen, Xiang Liu and T. Matsuki, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013)

Summary Charmonium-like states XYZ  Hot research topic ISPE mechanism Predict abundant phenomena of charged charmonium-like structures Accessible at BESIII, Belle, BelleII, SuperBAccessible at BESIII, Belle, BelleII, SuperB The BESIII’s observation Zc(3900) Good opportunity and platform! Xiang LZU34

Thank you for your attention! Xiang LZU35