Leadership Goals Describe the need for leadership skills and the characteristics of an effective leader. Identify the human relations skills needed by managers and leaders. Recognize four types of leadership influence
Key Terms Leadership-the ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish important goals. Human relations-the way people get along with each other. Influence-enables a person to affect the actions of others. Informal influence-when one or two people emerge as leaders to help get the group focused and organized. Formal influence-A leadership role that is part of the organization’s structure. Chapter 7 2
Intro What qualities do you look for in a leader? Chapter 7 3
What is a leader? One of the most important responsibilities of a business is managing people. Managers have often been good at managing things but not as good at managing people. Why do you think it is difficult to manage people? Chapter 7 4
Need for Leadership Management of people has changed in recent years. In the past, it was thought that if a manager wanted something done, he or she just had to tell the employees. Do you think the employee was doing their best when they were being told do something? When employees feel that they are not involved in decisions and not valued by the business, they will not be as committed to the work. Chapter 7 5
Need for Leadership What is the most important resource of a business? People The cost of hiring, training, and paying employees is usually one of a business’ highest expenses. Today, managers are expected to do more than just give orders. Leadership is needed. Leadership-the ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish important goals. When a mgr. can get individual employees and groups to work well together to accomplish objectives then he/she is an effective leader. Chapter 7 6
Leadership Characteristics Leadership is much more than just being friendly with employees. It takes skill to get people with different backgrounds and personalities to work well together. It is harder for some to develop leadership skills. Chapter 7 7
WTBS… Do you believe that leaders are born and not made? Explain. Chapter 7 8
Characteristics of Effective Leaders Understanding Initiative Dependability Judgment Objectivity Confidence Stability Cooperation Honesty Courage Communication Intelligence Chapter 79
Characteristics of Effective Leaders CharacteristicDescription UnderstandingRespecting the feelings and needs of the people they work with. InitiativeHaving the ambition and motivation to get work done without being asked. DependabilityFollowing through on commitments JudgmentMaking decisions carefully. ObjectivityLooking at all sides of an issue before making a decision. ConfidenceBeing willing to make decisions and take responsibility for the results. StabilityNot being too emotional or unpredictable. CooperationWorking well with others, recognizing others’ strengths, and helping to develop effective group relationships. HonestyBeing honest and sincere in decision-making and treatment of others. CourageWilling to take reasonable risks and make unpopular decisions. CommunicationAble to listen, speak, and write effectively. IntelligenceHaving the knowledge and understanding needed to perform well. 10
Preparing to Be a Leader You do not have to be a manager to be a leader. Study leadership Participate in organizations and activities Practice leadership at work Observe leaders Work with a mentor Do a self-analysis and ask for feedback Chapter 7 11
IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RELATIONS Human relations skills needed by managers and leaders. Human relations - The way people get along with each other. There are 5 Human Relation Skills needed by leaders and managers: 1. Self-Understanding 2. Understanding Others 3. Communication 4. Team Building 5. Developing Job Satisfaction 13
Human Relations Skills Self-understanding Leaders must first understand their own strengths and weaknesses. To improve your own HRS, study how to get along with others. Understanding others Recognizing that people are more alike than different. Recognizing the similarities will help develop a stronger team. Effective leaders gets to know each person’s skills and abilities as well as strengths and weaknesses. Chapter 7 14
Human Relation Skills Communication Formal or informal, internal or external, vertical or horizontal, oral or written Managers need to recognize the many ways that communication occurs in the business. Must be able to use all types of communication effectively. Effective communicator must be a good listener. Team building Combined skills of people in an effective team are greater than that of individuals working alone. Managers need team building skills to help people understand each other and their responsibilities. Developing job satisfaction Managers can influence how employees fell about their jobs on a daily basis. Chapter 7 15
WTBS… List 1 way people demonstrate good human relations. List 1 way people demonstrate poor human relations. List 1 thing you can do at school or home that will help you to improve one of the human relations skills. Chapter 7 16
INFLUENCING PEOPLE Influence-enables a person to affect the actions of others. There are several kinds of influence a leader can use Position influence-ability to get others to accomplish tasks because of position the leader holds. Reward influence-leader’s ability to give or withhold rewards. Expert influence-having special expertise in an area. Identity influence-personal trust and respect members have for the leader. Informal influence-when one or two people emerge as leaders to help get the group focused and organized. Formal influence-A leadership role that is part of the organization’s structure. 17
WTBS… 15 minutes Chapter 718 How can each of these influences be used at: HomeSchoolOn-the-Job Position Influence Reward Influence Expert Influence Identity Influence