Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, 2005-09-23 1 Spectroscopy program of The SuperNovae Legacy Survey Filiol Mélanie 3rd year PhD Supervisors :


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Presentation transcript:

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Spectroscopy program of The SuperNovae Legacy Survey Filiol Mélanie 3rd year PhD Supervisors : Mazure Alain & Basa Stéphane Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, France On behalf of the SNLS Collaboration* * Complete member list

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Motivations Fundamental complement to the photometric observations done by the CFHT Legacy Survey Spectroscopic program –Identify supernova type –Measure the redshift After 5 years of SNLS program, 700 SNe Ia discovered  Measure cosmological parameters with a precision  w ~ 0.1

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Observations - Time Allocation VLT : – Large Program on the ESO FORS1. – 60 hr/semester, 4 semesters allocated. – Observation in Service Mode. – From October 2005, new large program on FORS1 and FORS2 - Mode MOS. GEMINI North and South : – Joint Canadian/UK/US proposal – 60 hr/semester on GMOS. – Observation in Service Mode. KECK : – 4 nights/yr on LRIS. –Observation in Service Visitor Coordinator : S. Basa Coordinator : I. Hook Coordinator : M. Sullivan

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe,  Bright (mag>~23.0) SNe sent to VLT : smaller overheads  Faint SNe equitably sent to VLT and Gemini  VLT replaced by Keck for D3 field Coordination between the telescopes D4 D2 D1 D3

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Observations with VLT Large Program Target of Opportunity :  A precise observation date does not have to be provided in advance  Observations are submitted as soon as a candidate is discovered at CFHT  Our observation have priority and are conducted in Service Mode

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, When a trigger is available, observations are activated by web form : finding charts, very precise instructions have to be defined (slit width, grism, moon phase, weather conditions ….) If constraints are fulfill, observations are performed during the night Data are available about 12 hours after in Garching Preprocessing of the data is done with the FORS pipeline, customized for the SNLS use  The delay between the submission of an observation and its analysis is about 24 hours. Procedure VLT

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Supernova Identification SN Identification is based on the  ² fitting of our spectrum with a model (local SN + local galaxy)  : fraction of supernova S  : fraction of galaxy G Linear combinations of a galaxy template and a supernova template spectrum (library representative SN and galaxy templates)  ² = Σ obs min = obs max { } S obs ( ) –  S ( rest (1+z)) +  G ( rest (1+z))  obs ( ) ²

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Results of June 2003 to July 2005 Telescopes  Candidates  VLTGeminiKeckTotal/SN Ia (68%) Ibc421 7 (2%) I (6%) II (7%) AGN11-- (3%) Not Idenfied (14%) Total / Telescope

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Redshift determination SNLS-04D1dc and host galaxy Texpo = 1500secHost galaxy 04D1dc at z=0.211 Texpo = 1500sec 1.Host galaxy spectrum extracted separately 2. Galaxy lines identified in supernova spectrum SNLS-03D4at and host galaxy at z = Texpo = 1500sec OR 3. No host and no galaxy lines in spectrum  redshift estimated by the fitting template spectra Basa S., Filiol M. & SNLS Collaboration Submitted

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Redshift resolution Resolution of ~ 1% Redshift distribution of SN Ia SN Ia & Ia ? SN Ia? Basa S., Filiol M. & SNLS Collaboration Submitted

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Age resolution SN Ia & Ia ? SN Ia? Age distribution of SN Ia Age from the spectrum fit (day, from the LC max) Age from the LC (day, from the LC max) Basa S., Filiol M. & SNLS Collaboration Submitted SN Ia? SN Ia Precision of ~ 3 days

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Host galaxies Host galaxy identified by the test  ² when we are not extracting the host spectrum. 3 Groups : 1.Elliptic, Bulge, S0 2.Early Spiral Sa, Sb 3.Late Spiral Sc and Starburst SNLS 1st year Study Mark Sullivan (2003)* RSAC + Group I25.5 %28.5 %28.9 % Group II32.7 %25.7 %35.6 % Group III41.8 %45.7 %35.5 % * MNRA, 340, 1057 The Hubble diagram of type Ia supernovae as a function of host galaxy morphology + Glazebrook (1995), Abraham (1996), Lauger (2005 – astroph ) etc. …

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Conclusion 213 SN Ia discovered in 2 years Additional sciences –The Hubble diagram as a function of host galaxy morphology –UV emission –Study evolution SN Ia Hubble Diagram (SNLS 1st year)  m = ± w = ± Cf. Talk D. Fouchez

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, SNLS Collaboration members France : – LAM : S.Basa, A. Mazure, Filiol Mélanie (PhD) … – CCPM : C. Tao, D. Fouchez, P. Ripoche (PhD) … – LPNHE, Paris : R. Pain, P. Astier, C. Balland, S. Baumont (PhD) … – Observatory Meudon : M. Mouchet, A. Darbon … – CEA : J. Rich, N. Palanque-Delabrouille … Canada : –University Toronto : R. Calberg, M. Sullivan, A. Howeel, K. Perett … –University Victoria : C. Pritchet, D. Balam … UK : –University Oxford : I. Hook, J. Bronder (PhD) … SNLS Papers : The SNLS : Spectroscopic Identification of SN with the ESO/VLT – 1st result-, S. Basa, M. Filiol & al. (submitted) The SNLS : Measurement of  m,  and w from the 1st year data set, P. Astier & al. (submitted A&A) Gemini spectroscopy of SN from SNLS, A. Howell & al. (submitted) Photometric selection oh high-redshift type Ia supernovae candidates. M. Sullivan & al. (submitted)

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe,

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Finding Charts

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Test  ², Graphical User Interface Gregory Sainton

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Supernovae Ia

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Examples - Spectra VLT Flux ( erg/cm 2 /s/ Å) 03D4cx z=0.933, q=0.54 Chi2/ndf=0.104, ndf=969 Sn1992a (Ia), 5.0 days Host : Sa Texpo = 3600 sec Wavelength (Å)

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Examples - Spectra VLT SN Ia SN Ic SN II AGN 05D2ci z = Texpo = 1800 sec 03D4aa z = Texpo = 1500 sec 03D4cw z = Texpo = 2250 sec z = 2.13 Texpo = 2250 sec

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, Examples - Gemini VLT Ia at z=0.70 T expo =3600 sec Ia at z=0.87 T expo =4800 sec

Sino-French Workshop on the Dark Universe, VLT Statistics June 2003 – November 2004 Candidate typeNumberFraction Ia6558 % Ibc33 % I86 % II1513 % AGN1110 % Not Identified1110 %