Modern and Contemporary Art Breaks away from conventions (expectations of art) of the past Uses experimental techniques Shows diversity of society and the blending of cultures Focus shifts from Europe to New York Many new styles emerged – too many to categorize neatly
Vincent van Gogh While he painted during the Impressionist period, he is considered a “Post-Impressionist” His bold brush strokes and dynamic use of color brought art into the modern period He is the proverbial ‘tortured artist’ He suffered from depression, was not recognized for his work, cut off his ear and eventually killed himself He created over 2000 painting in his short 37 year life
Van Gogh Self-Portraits
Vincent van Gogh
Salvador Dali He is a “Surrealist” creating hyper-realistic, dreamlike images with meticulous detail His images are often disturbing and are filled with symbolism His work is linked to Sigmund Freud’s research into the subconcious. His most recognized painting is “Persistence of Memory” of melting clocks on a beach
Salvador Dali Dali was prone to theatrical stunts to get attention He thought he received messages from outer space through his mustache You can find much of his work in St. Pete, FL
Dali’s Surrealism
Pablo Picasso Spanish artist - popular in his own time, his styles were influenced by his relationships with women Blue Period- painted in blue tones after the death of his friend. Dreary, depressed feel Rose Period – pinky/rose toned art. Subjects often carnival/circus performers Cubism – broke his subject into geometric planes and facets, destroying perspective
Pablo Picasso
Picasso’s women
Picasso’s first Cubist work
Georgia O’Keeffe Known for HUGE floral works – she painted flowers ‘too large to ignore’ Influenced by the Southwest desert – cow skull paintings, desert landscapes Blended abstract and reality in large scale paintings
Georgia O’Keeffe
Frank Lloyd Wright Most prominent American architect of the 20th century He was very aware of the environment in which he was to design a building. He worked to design INTO the landscape He also designed the interiors: windows, furniture, carpets, faucets, etc Created open floor plans, vaulted ceilings, carport and used natural materials
FLW – Falling Water House
FLW Open Interiors
Guggenheim Museum
Dorthea Lange Photographer Best known for images of the Depression She captured the real human condition, social upheaval and suffering among the destitute Her work helped to bring about social change in the form of welfare programs, etc. Best known for “Migrant Mother, Nipomo”
Dorthea Lange
Dorthea Lange
Andy Warhol The king of “POP Art” Pop Art go its name from subject matter being items from popular culture – soup cans, coca-cola bottles, celebrities, etc. Warhol became known in the 1950s and 60s His work was commentary on our consumerist/materialistic/drawn-to-fame society He silk-screened his work in a mass-production fashion
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Jacob Lawrence African American artist His artwork tells the stories of African Americans from slavery to modern day Major Series: Harriet Tubman – slavery scenes; The Migration Series – the move out of the Southern US; The Builders – establishing roles in construction/trades His work is characterized by blocks of bright color and a “flat’ 2d feel – his work looks very child-like
Jacob Lawrence
Jacob Lawrence