Malevich, Black Square, 1915
Malevich, White Square on White, 1918
Rodchenko, Hanging Construction, c.1920
Tatlin, Model for Monument to the Third International,
Tatlin, Counter Relief, 1915
El Lissitzky, Proun 99, 1924 El Lissitzky, The Constructor, Self Portrait, 1924
Duchamp, Bicycle Wheel, 1912
MD/RM Fountai n 17
Duchamp, LHOOQ, 1919
Sloane, South Beach Bathers, 1908 Hannah Höch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada through the Last Weimar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany, 1930
Hannah Höch, From an Ethnographical Museum: The Flirt 1926
Heartfield, Don’t Be Frightened he is a Vegetarian, 1932
Heartfield, Hurrah, the Butter is all gone!
Salvador Dali, The Lugubrious Game 1929
The 50th Anniversary Of Hysteria 1878 (Published In La Revolution Surrealist In 1928) Dali, The Phenomenon Of Ecstasy 1933
Meret Oppenheim, Object: Fur Breakfast, 1936
Hans Bellmer, The Doll (1934)
Rene Magritte, The Treachery of Images, 1928
Pollock, Autumn Rhythm, 1950
Pollock, Blue Poles, 1952
Willem de Kooning Woman IV Woman I, 1950
Robert Rauschenberg, Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953
Rauschenberg, Bed, 1955
Jasper Johns, Flag, 1955
Jasper Johns, White Flag, 1955
Johns, Target with Plaster Casts, 1955
Richard Hamilton, Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing? 1956
Warhol, 100 Campbells Soup Cans Bottles of Coca-Cola 1962
Warhol, Gold Marilyn, 1962
Warhol, Jackie The Week That Was 1963
Section of Tunafish Disaster Silkscreen ink on synthetic polymer paint on canvas 1963
Lichtenstein, Okay Hot Shot 1963
Lichtenstein, Drowning Girl, 1964
Lichenstein, Brushstroke, 1965