teen2teen peer to peer health education series 2011 Preconception Health and Healthcare Summit Allison Hauser Associate Director, National Youth Leadership
Teen2Teen Health Education The Teen-2-Teen videos feature teens talking to each other about the March of Dimes mission and how their knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and involvement can promote their health now and increase the chance that future babies will be born healthy.
Health Education: on YouTube! Teen 2 Teen Video Series: available online for free at marchofdimesyouth.com and youtube.com/marchofdimes Curriculum as PDF to download at marchofdimes.com/teen2teen.html Social media makes it possible to provide free health education programs and information to teens & teachers; using the online platform to expand the usage of teen2teen gets more people engaged, and empowers students to host in-person peer health education sessions.
facebook.com /marchofdime syouth
facebook & twitter sharing Relevant health messages shared in a new platform Other health agencies can retweet/re-post And students can retweet/share in their status! teamyouth: National Public Health Week! Teen2Teen's Healthy Lifestyles section on ways to share info on eating right with teens: teamyouth: Did you get your Folic Acid today? Check out OJ, leafy greens – or better yet, multivitamin containing all 400 micrograms you need!