SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Fran Berman Engineering Advisory Committee Cyberinfrastructure Subcommittee -- Prologue Dr. Francine Berman Director, SDSC.


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Presentation transcript:

SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Fran Berman Engineering Advisory Committee Cyberinfrastructure Subcommittee -- Prologue Dr. Francine Berman Director, SDSC and NPACI Professor and High Performance Computing Endowed Chair, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego Engineering Advisory Committee

SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Fran Berman EAC-CI Charge The EAC-CI will work with the Engineering Directorate's Cyberinfrastructure Working Group (CIWG) to help assess the opportunities and challenges for the Engineering Directorate in Cyberinfrastructure. The EAC-CI will provide advice on how the Engineering Directorate can contribute to the design, development, deployment, and use of Cyberinfrastructure to promote discoveries and innovations in engineering. Particular areas of discussion will include: 1.What milestones should be used to measure progress of CI, and what metrics should be used to assess the impact of CI on Engineering research, education, and innovation? 2.What kinds of activities should ENG encourage to build a Cyberinfrastructure community among Engineers? Cyberinfrastructure is the coordinated aggregate of software, hardware and other technologies, as well as human expertise, required to support current and future discoveries in science and engineering.

SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Fran Berman Francine Berman (SDSC and UCSD) (chair) James Bernard (Iowa State University) Cherri Pancake (Oregon State University) Lilian Wu (IBM Corporation) Suvrajeet Sen Program Director (OR/DMII), Chair of the Engineering CIWG, liaison with EAC-CI EAC-CI Members What’s Expected: The subcommittee will present a preliminary report at the November 8- 9, 2005 ENG Advisory Committee meeting. It will complete its report by December 31, 2005.

SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Fran Berman Key Questions for ENG CIWG and EAC-CI 1.What types of tools and technologies are needed to enable Engineering research and education? 2.What is already being adequately provided by the Engineering Directorate? By other Directorates? By other agencies and community venues? 3.Where are the "gaps"? What is currently needed in Cyberinfrastructure to enable Engineering research and education? 4.What kind of research, development, deployment is needed to address the "gaps"? What might be done within the Engineering Directorate and what might be done Foundation-wide? 5.How could Cyberinfrastructure be used to move the discipline forward to the next generation of technology-enabled research and education? What new uses/tools/technologies should be encouraged to move ahead?

SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Fran Berman Work Plan EAC-CI will meet regularly over the next 6 months addressing the charge Work with ENG CIWG Advice on CI Formulate CI milestones and metrics of success Formulate ideas for building ENG CI community Preliminary report will be described at next EAC meeting