S IMILE VS M ETAPHOR Simile: a comparison using “like” or “as” Ie: “She smells like roses” or “His room was as smelly as gym socks” Metaphor: a comparison of two unlike things, without using “like” or “as” Ie: Her hair was brilliant, golden silk.
P ERSONIFICATION, I MAGERY, & S YMBOLISM Personification: assigning human qualities to an animal or inanimate object Imagery: descriptive words create a mental picture Symbolism: using objects to represent a greater meaning or significance
H YPERBOLE, S ATIRE, I DIOM, & I RONY Hyperbole: an extreme exaggeration, not to be taken literally Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to criticize others Irony: the outcome is the opposite of what the reader anticipates Idiom: a saying that has a different figurative meaning than literal meaning
F ORESHADOW & F LASHBACK Foreshadow: warning or indication of a future event Flashback: an event that occurred prior to present day within the text is inserted
A LLEGORY & A LLUSION Allegory: a story or poem that can be revealed to have a hidden meaning Allusion: an indirect reference