Early Years Review Update
Aim of Today Provide an update on the Early Years Review Provide information on our proposals for a refreshed Early Years Offer Secure feedback on our proposals for the Health and Wellbeing component of the integrated Early Years Offer
Our Vision To give every child in Birmingham an equal chance to have the best start in life so they can achieve their full potential Focus on supporting every child to achieve a good level of development by the time they start school. Working with 80,000 children and 100,000 parents across Birmingham
Drivers for Change Opportunity to improve number of children assessed as reaching a good level of development when they start school Opportunity to improve consistency in delivery of outcomes for all children and families Opportunity to promote take up of targeted Early Education Services.
Our Design Principles Promote the early identification of need through the universal service offer Be targeted Be responsive Be inclusive Promote service integration Promote sustainability Promote resilience and independence Promote value for money,. Promote excellence
Our Proposed New Service Offer Early Years Offer Health and Wellbeing Offer Quality health services from conception to age 5 Quality parenting support services Early Education and Childcare Offer Quality Early Education for 2,3 and 4 year olds Quality Childcare
The Health and Wellbeing Offer Proposal to create a new joined up Health and Wellbeing Offer by changing the way we deliver the following services: Children’s centre services Health visiting and Family Nurse Partnership Parenting support services Pregnancy and breastfeeding support services Health and Wellbeing Offer Quality health services from conception to age 5 Quality parenting support services
Nov - Dec 15 Jan - Mar 16 Apr - Jun 16July - Sept 16Oct - Dec16Jan – Mar 17Apr Jun 17July - Sept 17 Mobilisation (TBC) Mobilisation (TBC) Equality Analysis Engagement and Comms Engagement and Comms Engagement / Comms Plan Consultation and Proposal Approval Consultation and Proposal Approval Consultation Procurement Service Spec Development Consultation and Award Approval Consultation and Award Approval Ongoing Engagement and Communications (as outlined In Plan) Mobilisation Service Start Sept 17 Cabinet Report Cabinet Cycle PQQ Process ITT Process Consultation Cabinet Report Cabinet Cycle Health and Wellbeing Offer: Proposed Project Milestones
Early Education and Childcare Offer Early Education Rates review Early Years DSG Sustainability Measures 16/17 Full Time Places Policy Day care charging policy Early Education and Childcare Offer Quality Early Education for 2,3 and 4 year olds Quality Childcare
Nov - Dec 15 Jan - Mar 16 Apr - Jun 16July - Sept 16Oct - Dec16Jan – Mar 17Apr Jun 17July - Sept 17 Rates Review Rates Review BCC Daycare Review BCC Daycare Review Nursery Schools Sustainability Nursery Schools Sustainability Full-Time Places Policy Review Full-Time Places Policy Review Consultation Cabinet Cycle 16/17 Proposal Development Approval Implementation 17/18 Proposal Development Approval Implementation Cabinet Cycle Draft proposals Analysis Further activity dependent on findings of analysis Early Education and Childcare Offer: Proposed Project Milestones
Health and Wellbeing Offer Consultation
We value your support Participate in the consultation, tell us what you think Contribute to ongoing dialogue to help shape the detail of service specifications, share your experience Encourage parents and families to get involved in the consultation or in becoming part of a parent group to support co-design. years-1 years-1
Proposal – Target services to provide each family with the right amount of support Children and Families Universal – available to everyone Information and support that all families can easily access. For Example: Health Visiting Service (to include health and development checks) Information, advice about other local services and things to do Support to access early education services for 3 and 4 year olds. Universal Plus – targeted support for those who need it For children and families who need some extra support. For Example: Support for pregnant women and families Parenting skills Developing better speech and communication skills Ongoing support for children and families with additional needs Breastfeeding support Support to access early education for eligible two year olds. Lead Organisation co-ordinates access to services for families
Question 1 Our vision is to provide every child with the same chance to have a really good start in life. To what extent do you agree, or disagree, with this proposal?
Question 2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with our proposals for the ‘Universal Offer’
Question 3 To what extent do you agree, or disagree, with the proposal to have ‘universal plus’ services, targets at children who need more support?
Proposal – Create a single system of services working under a lead organisation Commission lead organisation(s) Lead organisation becomes responsible for developing and delivering services in the area for which they have responsibility by drawing current provision into a single system Lead organisation acts as a gateway to services for children and parents, making access to and between services simpler and less confusing Lead organisation facilitates information exchange between children, families and services to ensure stories not have to be repeated unnecessarily
Overview of services Advertising of local Early Years Services High quality advice and information to children and families A range of services to meet the needs of local children Support for the development of local self help services run by families for families Local services working together to deliver services to children and families The chance for local children and families to express their views on how services should be run Referrals for children and families to other services
Question 4 To what extent do you agree, or disagree, with the Council’s proposals to have a single system with a lead agency?
Question 5 Please rate the importance of the services proposed
Question 6 To what extent do you agree, or disagree, with the Council’s proposals to support local self-help services run by families for families?
Delivery Proposals – Rethinking the Service Model Focus on children and families Focus on service offer not buildings and centres Deliver services into the places children and families use most often More flexible working arrangements enabled by IT Potential implications for existing building based services
Question 7 To what extent do you agree, or disagree, with the Council’s proposals to deliver services in the places that children and families use most regularly?
Quality Proposals Healthy weight for children Reduction in tooth decay amongst 5 year olds Reduction in number of hospital visits due to injury Increase in breastfeeding amongst mums at birth and 6 weeks Increase in self reported wellbeing amongst parents Reduction in smoking during pregnancy and in parenthood Improvements in communication, speech and language skills for children Increased percentage of parents in work or training
Question 8 Please rate the extent to which you agree, or disagree, with our proposed quality measures.
Open Discussion
Local Early Years Offer Lead organisation offers services to meet local needs Services delivered by working in partnership Performance and Measures Outcomes Health / Development School Readiness In work Parenting Wellbeing Ongoing support and care planning for children and their families who need intensive and specialist interventions, provided by other agencies. Early education for 3 & 4 year olds Childcare and 0-5 activities from a range of private voluntary and independent organisations. Proposed Early Years Integrated Operating Model Lead Organisation co-ordinates the Early Years Offer Universal Universal Plus Services commissioned across the city Funded childcare assessed to criteria Quality Improvement childcare and Early Education Early education for targeted 2 year olds Supporting services Ensuring sufficient early years provision; childcare (0-16) and Early Education Safeguarding Provision of early help and extra support to children and their families who need it, to be healthy, safe and achieve their full potential: Targeted programmes of support to improve specific early years offer outcomes Targeted support to involve marginalised families Signposting and referrals of families, to local providers in order to offer a package of care and support Group and individual programmes to improve skills and promote resilience Encouraging eligible 2 year olds to take up 15 hours of free early education Provision of a core early years offer available to everyone, wherever they live in Birmingham : Promotion of health, child development and parenting skills Early identification of needs Promoting school readiness Promoting uptake of 15 hours of free early education for 3 & 4 year olds Promotion of Early Years Offer outcomes Signposting to advice, information and services in the local community Promotion of family resilience Children and Parents Working with Partners and Stakeholders