Project Title sponsored by: ABC Designs, Inc team members: name 1 name 2 etc.
Outline Introduction Description of Design Assumptions Analysis Design Iterations Final Design Fabrication Process Testing and Evaluation Conclusions
Introduction Brief background of project –sponsor info –need for project (where, why, how?) –statement of requirements –deliverables
Description of Design Design specifications –load capability –dynamic requirements –thermal requirements –geometric (space) limitations –control specifications –software interface requirements
Justification of Design previous/similar projects research in current technology
Assumptions All assumptions made in the design process –assumptions about design specifications –analytical assumptions
Analysis Calculations –show how design decisions were based on analysis (not trial and error) –brief equations, no derivation; only principle used and result obtained –table and charts you created references
Design Iterations Brief description of design iterations on the way to the final design
Final Design Show details of final design and prototype demonstration
Fabrication Process How did you build it? –machined yourself –COTS products –sub-contracted work
Testing and Evaluation Validate your design Prototype testing Revisions as a results of test
Cost Analysis Prototype cost breakdown and budget comparison
Production Design How does the prototype compare to a production model What improvements would be recommended
Summary and Conclusions
Acknowledgements Sponsor contacts Machine shop staff Anyone else who helped
Notes: This template is just a suggestion All sections may not be applicable to your project Additional sections may be required Use colors that contrast well for background vs. text Verify any linked files are working on laptop (movies) not part of presentation
Notes: Presentation should be: –interesting –specific –concise not part of presentation