Objectives of this “Information Session” To understand the purpose and value of engaging plenary activities; To develop opportunities to add literacy and numeracy into your lessons; To share good practice and gain new ideas. Starter – using the word understand, how many other words of three or more letters can you make? Your letters are: U n d e r s t a n d – example dad
Question: Answer: Plenaries start at the beginning! Today’s Topic is “Starters and Plenaries”, what question would you really like answered today? During the course of the session, if the question is answered, write the answer down on your card. If you can’t think of a question now, write one down during the session, that shows something new that you learn today!
Ongoing tasks make your plenary; Today’s Question: At the end of today’s session, I will ask: How many “plenaries” have you seen in today’s session? Keep track and notes – at the end of the session, the person with the largest and most accurate list will win a prize! Great way to keep your active, engaged, higher level pupils thinking! Great way to engage competitive boys! (and girls) Great way to keep pupils looking out for new learning!
The Ofsted Question…. When Ofsted arrive, what will they look for, to JUDGE that learning is taking place?
When OFSTED arrive, Learning is judged by: Pupils’ intellectual physical and creative effort Productivity and pace of learning Pupils’ interest, concentration and independence Pupils’ own knowledge of their learning How pupils with SEN learn How pupils with EAL learn
Plenary – Review the Objectives: To understand the purpose engaging starter and plenary activities; To develop opportunities to add literacy and numeracy into your lessons; To share good practice and develop new ideas. Have a go at the crossword to show what you have learnt today!
Other “Wordy” Plenaries: Key words match to definitions: Starter Plenary Lesson objectives Summative assessment goes at the end of the lesson how the lesson opens giving the pupils the grade that they’re working at What pupils are trying to learn
Other “Wordy” Plenaries: Key image that explains the lesson – pupils use descriptive words to explain what they see and how it relates to what they have learnt. Start Ready Go
Complete the word search: Fill the word search with the lesson’s key words:
According to Ofsted, when good learning is happening you should expect to see pupils: Interested and enthusiastic – enjoying the work Engaged Working hard and being challenged to think Being able to explain what they are doing, why they are doing it, what they are going to do next and, above all, how well they are doing. You must be able to answer the question – What have the pupils learned in this lesson that they didn’t know before? Starters and Plenaries are at the core of this!
Effective Plenaries: Exit cards 3,2,1 on the card Answer to any question that you pose Summary of what pupils have learnt Three good things about RhiannaTwo dangers of 12 year old girls aspiring to be like her one change that you would make to Rhianna if you could Three attacking moves in footballTwo strong defense moves in football one change that you would make to the game of football
Ongoing task makes your plenary; Today’s Question: How many “starters” and “plenaries” have you seen in today’s lesson?
Question: Answer: Effective Starters can make effective plenaries Pupils make the Plenary!
Further Links: Generator.aspx Generator.aspx Generator.aspx Generator.aspx lessons.wikispaces.com/Starters+and+Plenaries lessons.wikispaces.com/Starters+and+Plenaries resource/Interactive-Starters-and-Plenaries / resource/Interactive-Starters-and-Plenaries /
Objectives of this “Information Session” To understand the purpose and value of engaging plenary activities; To develop opportunities to add literacy and numeracy into your lessons; To share good practice and develop new ideas.