CDA: November Outline of the Presentation Purpose of the presentation What is CDA Powers and functions of the CDA Supporting structures of the CDA The National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) The implementation of the NDMP Achievements of the CDA Challenges during the financial year Recommendations and the way forward Conclusion
CDA: November Purpose of the presentation The purpose is to inform members of the Portfolio Committee on Social Development on the activities of the CDA during the financial year 2008/2009
CDA: November WHAT IS THE CDA? CDA is a statutory body, established in terms of the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act, Act No 20 of 1992 as amended. CDA nominally an Authority, in practice still an advisory body Members of the CDA are appointed by the Minister and consist of 12 persons from the private sector, who are experts in the field of substance abuse and nominated representatives from 14 government departments and two entities Secretariat ( 4 officials) a sub-directorate of Directorate: Substance Abuse and CDA in national Department of Social Development
CDA: November POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE CDA In terms of the present Act, the CDA is expected to: give effect to the National Drug Master Plan advise the Minister on any matter affecting the abuse of drugs may plan, coordinate and promote measures relating to the prevention and combating of the drugs and the treatment of persons dependent on drugs.
CDA: November POWERS AND FUNCTIONS continued The CDA: shall review the National Drug Master Plan every five years and submit to Cabinet for approval shall report to Parliament on progress in combating substance abuse in the country annually arrange conferences/summits relating to combating substance abuse in South Africa exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be determined by the Minister from time to time
CDA: November COMPOSITION OF CDA BOARD 12 nominated members as experts in the field Representatives from: – Arts and Culture –Correctional Services –Education –Financial Intelligence Centre –International Relations and Cooperation –Health and Medicines Control Council –Home Affairs
CDA: November COMPOSITION OF CDA BOARD cont. –Justice and Constitutional Development –Labour –National Youth Development Agency - Social Development –South African Police Services –South African Revenue Services –Trade and Industry –Transport
CDA: November THE NATIONAL DRUG MASTER PLAN The National Drug Master Plan (NDMP), is the approved national strategy to combat substance abuse The NDMP provides: –an analysis of the drug problem and trends –Some health and socio-economic consequences of substance abuse –guidelines on priorities and a framework for action in combating substance abuse It outlines: –strategic interventions – the roles of the government departments on how they should prevent and combat substance abuse –monitoring and evaluation at various levels
CDA: November IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NDMP NDMP implementation requires a supporting structure of –9 Provincial Substance Abuse Forums (PSAF) –238 Local Drug Action Committees (LDAC) and –Non-Government Organisations involved in combating substance abuse CDA assists in development and co-ordination of: – national government departmental Mini-Drug Master Plans aimed at combating substance abuse –Provincial Substance Abuse Forums Mini Drug Master Plans aimed at combating substance abuse CDA provides the support, communication, monitoring and evaluation needed to achieve its specified results.
CDA: November Achievements of the CDA A National Database on substance abuse information has been completed. The data have been populated by the CDA and Information Management Unit of DSD A National Clearinghouse and website were developed and substantial number of books were purchased and catalogued. This project is managed by the CDA and the DSD Library. Website address:
CDA: November Achievements cont Each of the nine provinces in the country now has a Provincial Substance Abuse Forum (PSAF) that is in constant contact with the CDA. There are also now 185 Local Drug Action Committees on substance abuse that report to the nine PSAF. The CDA Position Paper on Cannabis was consulted in seven of the provinces and will be finalised and presented to cabinet and later to Parliament as soon as it has been discussed in all nine provinces
CDA: November Achievements cont. Preparations are at an advanced stage for conducting a baseline research study on the nature and extent of alcohol and other drug problem and the impact on preventative programmes on communities in South Africa. Preparations for hosting the 2 nd Biennial Summit on Substance Abuse are at an advanced stage Capacity building of the support structure for the development and implementation of the Mini Drug Master Plan (Mini DMP) took place
CDA: November Challenges Securing government department representation on the CDA and ensuring attendance of meetings and involvement in the development of Mini Drug Master Plans Correcting the non-uniform reporting system and countering the lack of commitment and the non-submission of reports
CDA: November Challenges cont. Improving the paucity of data Rectifying the inadequate administrative and financial resources to carry out the mandate of the CDA
CDA: November Recommendations The need for the appointment in a fulltime capacity of a Chief Director or Executive Officer or the equivalent thereof to the CDA to execute the management and coordination of the activities of the CDA and the National Drug Master Plan The desirability of reviewing the structure and staffing of the secretariat and seconding selected personnel from the other departments to the secretariat to enable it to function more effectively
CDA: November Recommendations cont The departments required in terms of the prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act (No. 20 of 1992 as amended) to prioritise nomination of members to the CDA to represent those department The integrated strategy for combating the drug problem should be adopted formally
CDA: November Recommendations cont The Provincial Substance Abuse Forums and the Local Drug Action Committees should be replica of all the departments represented on the CDA in terms of Section 2 of the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act (No. 20 of 1992 as amended) The departments represented on the CDA, the PSAFs and their related LDACs should be tasked formally by their relevant authorities to develop their small adaptations of the NDMPs referred as Mini Drug Master Plans. The departments represented on the CDA must avail resources for the Mini Drug Master Plans development and implementations.
CDA: November The way forward The NDMP vision of a drug free society can be attained only if all the departments and other stakeholders listed in the NDMP participate actively and together endeavour at national (CDA) level, provincial (Provincial Forum) level and municipal (Local Drug Action Committee) level to fulfil their role in the struggle against substance abuse
CDA: November CONCLUSION The CDA is a statutory authority with dedicated members, mandated to give effect to the National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) The NDMP is a plan approved by Cabinet for combating substance abuse, and meets the requirements of the 3 UN Conventions on Drug Abuse. The CDA works through the Provincial Substance Abuse Forums and Local Drug Action Committees. The three key elements of the integrated strategy include demand, supply and harm reduction.