The Growth of Industry
Industrialization: Factors Plentiful Natural Resources Improved Transportation Growing Population/High Rates of Immigration New Inventions Investment Capital
Steel: Backbone of Industry Bessemer Process – used less coal to produce steel Nation’s production increased Steel replaced iron to produce many products Plows, barbed wire, beams, nails, rails
Steel: Backbone of Industry
Titusville, PA
New Inventions and Innovations Typewriter Stock ticker Phonograph Electric Lighting Microphone Electric Generator Telephone Sewing Machine Standard Sizes
Corporations 3 Advantages 1. Selling Stocks = more $ 2. Special Legal Status = Banks more likely to loan $ 3. Limits risks of investors
John D. Rockefeller Oil Industry – First Refinery (1863) Philosophy – put all competitors out of business (monopoly) Most famous move = developing a trust in 1882 Standard Oil controlled 95% of all oil refining in the US
John D. Rockefeller Became known as a robber baron Made secret deals with railroads Built and purchased his own pipelines Bought other oil companies
Andrew Carnegie Steel Industry Philosophy – beat competitors by producing the cheapest product Bought all the processes related to steel manufacturing Bought mines, ships, and railroads Controlled the steel industry from
Carnegie and Rockefeller Both were philanthropists Rockefeller = Universities of Chicago and New York Carnegie = Libraries and universities
Homestead Strike Homestead, PA Carnegie reduced wages of workers 300 armed guards were hired, to protect the factory Employees armed themselves July 6, 1892 a battle occurred between workers and guards
Homestead Strike