1. Handouts: * Circus Time (Discovery Ed) * Coach #11 (Sequence of Events) 2. Homework: * Read AR book minutes daily & record progress * Circus Time and Coach 11 (time will be provided in class) [If you don’t finish, it is homework.] 3. Assignments Due: * 1) p. 723, Test Practice and Constructed Response * 2) Venn Diagram
Outcomes: 1. Describe and identify three organizational structures informational reading [1) Chronological (Sequential) Order; 2) Compare and Contrast; 3) Cause and Effect] 2. Determine which structural pattern is best for organizing each of six different stories/articles. 3. Analyze an article to determine clues that indicate sequential order. 4. Indicate the specific sequence of events in an article.
Today we are going to learn a reading trick, but first need to answer a few questions... What do we mean by the term “informational reading”? What are some examples of informational reading? What is the very first step I should take before I read the entire article? Preview the article. How do I preview an article? There is one more step or “trick” that will help you be a better detective in informational reading. Can anyone guess what that step is? After previewing the article’s features for hints or clues, examine it closely to determine its structure. What do I mean by “structure” of an article? Structure refers to how the article is organized. Can you give me some examples of the organizational structures you have seen most often? Today’s Discovery Ed video introduces three ways that people organize articles. Watch closely because we will follow up with an activity that tests what you have learned.
Of the three organizational structures we learned about, what would you say is the easiest one to identify or recognize? I’m guessing it is “Chronological/Sequential Order—the order in which events happened or the order of steps one must take to complete a task. Let’s check out an example today from Coach....