BTEC ICT Mr Kinsella
BTEC ICT ICT (BTEC) About the Course: This course is a BTEC National Award, equivalent to A Level. BTEC Nationals are an exam free alternative to the more traditional A Level courses, taking a more practical approach to learning and assessment. They are ‘industry relevant’ qualifications geared to key sector requirements and are designed as vocationally related qualifications to suit a range of learning styles. This course would be suited for students who have followed the OCR ICT Level 2 in Years 10 and 11. When students reach Level 3, they are offered a more in-depth look at ICT in the modern workplace and are given an insight into its role in specialist careers. This qualification provides ongoing learning and assessment of the practical skills and knowledge required to succeed in ICT- related careers or further study. Assessment: This is a two year course and over that time you will complete 6 units of study. All units are internally assessed then externally moderated by the exam board (Edexcel). There are no external tests or exams, and ongoing assessments take place throughout the course. Whilst all individual units are graded and certified, the full Certificate is issued at the completion of all units at the end of Year 13. The course is broken up as follows: Year 12 Unit 1: Communication and employability skills in ICT This unit provides an opportunity for learners to understand the range of such non-technical soft skills and to appreciate what other skills and knowledge they will need to develop in order to be an effective employee. Learners will have the opportunity to identify and consider their own set of skills and improve them where necessary.
Rules Don’t talk while the teacher is talking. No Mobile Phones No food and drink in the classroom. Be sensible all the time. Put your hand up and don’t call out No chewing gum allowed in school. Follow the school rules on uniform. Eg. Hair shirts top buttons etc. Stay in seats at all time
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